Theo- Stop Saving Me

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QOTD: Do you like Theo?
AOTD: He's cute but I hate him.

You waited impatiently for the light to turn red so you could cross the street, but the light was so long you wondered if it was stuck. Annoyed, you crossed the street anyways, not noticing a speeding car making a sharp turn.

"Look out!" Someone suddenly swept you off your feet, and​ in a quick second you were on the sidewalk.

"Theo, I told you to leave me alone!" You yelled at the boy who had saved you.

"I saved your life!"

"No you didn't," you said, turning to leave. You tripped over an empty can of beer and tumbled into the street, where another car was speeding through.

"[Y/N]!" Theo yelled, grabbing your arm and yanking you out of the road. "Are you okay?"

"God, leave me alone! I'm not gonna go to prom with you!"

"I literally just pulled you out of the street. Twice. I'm not here to ask you to prom again, since you so cruelly rejected me the last time. I was just walking along the street, minding my own business, and you decided to put yourself in mortal danger."

"Yeah? Well I told you to stay away from me, so."

"I'm not even that evil. It wouldn't kill you to go to prom with me."

"Go away, Theo," you said, turning around. You started walking the other way down the sidewalk, and much to your chagrin, he followed you. He wasn't talking, just following you like a creep as some dog barked in the distance, a distance which became smaller and smaller as you walked. When the dog came into sight, it broke off its chain and charged towards you. It was about to jump on you when Theo's eyes changed colors and he let out a growl. The dog whined, retreating.

"Gee, it kind of seems like you need me," he said.

"I do not," you groaned.

"Watch out!" Theo suddenly lunged forwards, tackling you to the ground.

"Stop saving me!" You screamed as a frying pan fell from the sky, landing right where you had been walking.

"I'm not doing it on purpose!" He exclaimed, standing up and brushing himself off. He offered you a hand up.

"No thanks. I think I'll just chill on the ground for a while."

"You hurt yourself, didn't you?"

"Me? Accident prone? You're being ridiculous."

"Where does it hurt?" He sighed.

"I sprained my ankle," you whined.

He shook his head and bent down.

"Theo Raeken, I swear to god if you pick me up I will kill you."

"What are you going to do? Slither home?" He retorted.

"Fine," you sighed, letting him pick you up.

"Ugh," he said. "You're so needy."

"I wouldn't have gotten hurt in the first place if you hadn't tackled me!"

"If I hadn't tackled you, a rogue frying pan would have crushed your brain."

"Fine, I'll go to prom with you!" You blurted out.

"What? I didn't ask-"

"Ugh! I said you've convinced me so drop it!"

"Yeah, but I didn't think-"

"I said I'll go! Leave me alone!"

"Are you... Are you turned on by me saving you?"

"Shut up," you whimpered.

"I knew it," he smirked, hiking you up in his arms.

"If you don't shut up I won't go to prom with you."

"Alright, alright," he said. "I get it. I'll be careful. Frying pans don't just fall out of the sky."

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