Isaac - Battle Wounds

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You shot wildly at anyone who came near you, fighting off the Alpha pack before they could hurt anyone you cared about. A bullet grazed Ennis, who was beating Derek. The suprise allowed Derek the advantage.

You surveyed the area to see where you could help. Boyd and Isaac took on the twins. Scott fought Kali alone. Reloading your gun, you shot Kali in the leg. She stumbled away from Scott. You would have turned your attention back to the twins, but Kali came towards you. Scott was still on the ground.

Kill her, you told yourself. But as Kali neared you, you knew that wasn't an option.

You aimed back at her leg, and shot her again. The bullet nestled into her thigh, but she continued towards you.

Kali let out a battle cry as she knocked the gun from your hands. She spun around and kicked you in the stomach, knocking you to the ground. Kali hovered over you, claws ready to strike. As she took her first swing, someone pulled her backwards into the air, and pushed her to the ground. Scott.

"Are you okay?" He asked, holding Kali down. You didn't answer. Instead, you scrambled around for your gun.

It's gone.

Now helpless, you looked up from the ground. The twins, in one form, ran towards Isaac, who had fallen at some point. Boyd tried desperately to stop them. The twins pushed Boyd away with ease.

Isaac stood shakily to his feet, but there wasn't much he could do. The twins scratched Isaac across the chest. He was down.

"Isaac!" You screamed, running to him and falling to your knees next to the spot he lay. The twins had turned their attention back to Boyd.

"I'm okay," he said.

"It's really deep," you said, silent tears running down your cheeks.

"No, [Y/N]-" Isaac said.

You interrupted him with a short kiss.

Isaac pulled back. "[Y/N], really. I'm fine. I'm already healing, see?" He motioned towards his healing wound.

"Oh," you said, embarrassed.

"So..." Isaac said in midst of an awkward moment. "Do you want to go out sometime?"

"Yeah," you answered quickly, nodding. "Yeah, I'd love to."

He leaned into you and pressed his lips to yours. In the long, sweet passion of it, he pulled away. "That was for interrupting the last kiss," he said. Boyd suddenly flew past into the wall. "We'll do this again sometime."

A healed Isaac stood, and charged towards the twins.

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