"Theo," you said quietly as your boyfriend put on his jacket. He ignored you, checking his phone one last time. "Theo!"
"I have to go," he said, putting his hand on the door knob.
"Just tell me if your coming back."
Theo let go of the door and sighed, turning back around and putting his hands on your shoulders.
"I'm coming back," he said. "After tonight, this will all be over. The Beast will be free, Scott and his pack will be dead, and we can get out of Beacon Hills. We can go wherever you want. So sit down, read a book, and don't worry. I'll be fine."
"Okay," you said. "I love you."
"I love you too," he leaned over and kissed your forehead, and left.
You did as he said. You lay down on the couch, cuddled up with a good book, and tried not to worry about Theo, or even think about what he could possibly be doing.
You were a human, and could hardly keep up with everything in the supernatural world. It was difficult for you to understand why Theo and Scott were on separate sides. Morally, a part of you wanted to side with Scott. You even considered yourself friends with Scott at a time. In fact, a few months prior, you had warned him of Theo's plans to resurrect the chimeras.
But you had to stay with Theo. You loved him, after all. You cared about all the bad he did, but that wasn't going to keep you away from him.
You waited a few hours before you fell asleep, and when you woke up again, it was morning. You called out for Theo, and searched for him all over your house, but you didn't find him, so you walked over to his house. He wasn't there either.
You went back home, and waited some more with your phone close by just in case he decided to call. He didn't call. You waited and waited, but he never showed up, so you did the only thing you could think of. You went straight into the arms of his enemy.
Scott's house wasn't very far away, so you were able to walk, but it ended up being more of a run because you were so worried about Theo, so you showed up at Scott's door out of breath.
"[Y/N]," Scott's eyes widened when he opened the door. "What are you doing here? Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," you assured him. "I'm here about Theo."
"Maybe you should come inside."
You entered Scott's living room, and Stiles immediately stood up off the couch.
"What the hell is she doing here?" He hissed.
"Stiles," Scott warned as you took a seat on the couch opposite of the other human. He looked at you, "I don't know how to say this."
"Just come out with it," you said.
"Theo was pulled underground, and I don't think he's coming back."
"What?" You asked.
"His sister," Stiles explained. "The one that he murdered. She came up from the ground and pulled him into wherever she was staying. I hope hell."
"I don't understand," you murmured, feeling tears in your eyes.
"He's gone," Scott said brusquely.
"No. No, no, no. You're going to get him back, right? You're gonna get him back. You have to. You-"
You were unable to continue. You broke down crying, harder than you ever had before. Scott slid down next to you on the couch, and put his hand on your back. You lay your head in his lap, and cried yourself into unconsciousness.