QOTD: Favorite season?
AOTD: 2 or 3BYou met Scott McCall in autumn, just before the leaves started to change colors. You were an Omega, but you weren't like the others. You were born a werewolf, and had been training yourself since you could walk. You were just as strong as any other wolf, including McCall.
You were in communication with Deaton, the emissary, when he learned of a plot to break into a bank and steal half a million dollars. This plan didn't seem to pertain to the supernatural, but Deaton also discovered that the thieves were werewolves, and decided to bring you into it.
Standing outside the bank with McCall, Derek Hale, Malia Tate, Kira Yukimura, and Liam Dunbar, you began to regret your decision to get involved. You didn't like having to interact with another pack, and there seemed to be enough of them to handle it.
The plan was simple. You had no idea what the robbers would look like, but the second they started the heist, you would all run in there and fight. It was essentially foolproof.
"Think that's them?" You inquired.
"You mean the six men carrying suspicious brief cases with their claws out in the open?" Dunbar asked.
"Alright," you pulled your claws out. "We can't be sure of their course of action, so we need to be as cautious as we can. Cause as few civilian casualties as possible."
"No civilian casualties," McCall interrupted. "Cause no civilian casualties."
"Hale, Tate, you watch the doors. Once they're in, we can't let them out. Dunbar, Yukimura, you stay in the middle of the action. Watch the tellers, watch the civilians, and watch the bad guys. McCall, you're with me in the vaults."
"Why do we need to guard the vaults?" McCall asked.
You gave him a stony unamused look. "If they get into the back, we can't let them take the money. They could do anything with it. Now, let's go."
"Wait a second," Yukimura piped up. "Doesn't anyone want to say anything inspirational?"
"Try not the die, and every man for themselves," you said, and walked into the bank.
McCall and his pack followed you into the bank, and as the expected heist began, you and McCall snuck back into the vaults.
"I don't like the idea of leaving them out there," he said as you walked down the long corridor to the vaults.
"Trust me. This is where the action will be."
When you got to the back, you could tell that McCall was nervous about his pack, and he dealt with it by pacing around. You ignored him. If they died, then they would die fighting.
"They're coming," he told you, and you were jealous that he had been able to sense the other werewolves before you. He took a deep breath.
"Stop being nervous," you said as the werewolves took notice to you, and started running down the corridor. "The worst that can happen is only death."
"Thanks," he grumbled.
Two werewolves came down, and you took the bigger one before McCall could move.
The werewolf you fought was large and clumsy. He seemed to rely on brute strength, which gave you an advantage. It took less than thirty seconds for you to knock his ass on the ground.
You turned around to see McCall being beaten by the other werewolf. You pulled him off of McCall just in time to hear a loud roar come from the front of the building.
"Is that Dunbar?" You asked, ducking the werewolf's punch. He lifted his leg and kicked you to the ground.
"Yeah, that's Liam!" Scott breathed heavily, standing on his feet and punching the werewolf in the nose.
"Go get him! I got this!" You said, getting up. Scott looked unsure "Go!" You yelled, and he took off running.
The werewolf you had beaten got up, and they both descended upon you. You tried to punch one, but the other hit you across the face. When you fell to the ground, they went wild. They kicked you until you were sure that your insides were bleeding, and when they got bored with that, they started punching you. They eventually tired of this, and one brought out his claws. Your eyes widened as you realized that you were living your last moment, and breathing your last breath.
He was about to strike down, when McCall appeared out of thin air and pulled him back, throwing him at least twenty feet. He let out a roar as he grabbed the other one, and beat him unconscious.
"I know you said every man for himself," McCall breathed out, offering you his hand. "But that's not really my style."
You glared at him. It wasn't until he had saved you that you realized how amazing it was that he was a true Alpha, and you wanted to hate him, but all you felt was grateful. You grabbed his hand and he pulled you to your feet.
"The others took everyone else out," McCall said. He grabbed your arm and put it over his shoulder, knowing you wouldn't do it yourself, and helped you walk out.
When you got back outside, the rest of the pack was waiting, looking fairly beat up.
"We did it," McCall sighed.
You moved away from him, already starting to heal. You took one last jealous look at his pack, and turned away.
"Wait!" McCall called. "You don't have to be an Omega. There's plenty of room in our pack."
"It's not my style," you said, not looking back.
"It could be," he said desperately. "Just stay in Beacon Hills another week. Get to know what it's like to be in a pack."
You finally turned to face him. "One week."
You were glad that McCall had stopped you, and even gladder that he saw past your defensiveness, and recognized that all you had ever wanted, and all you would ever need, was a pack who cared about you as much as he did. And the second you answered him, you knew it would be longer than a week.