Author's Note:
Requests are OPEN once again. Message me.QOTD: Favorite wolf?
AOTD: Isaac Lahey"How the hell did I let you get me into this?" You groaned, picking yourself off the ground.
Three guys the size of The Rock had just thrown you and Scott into a small, dingy cell. Scott dusted himself off and looked around.
"Hey, wait!" He called as the guys left. "What are you going to do to us?"
It was too late; you were locked in. These guys had plenty of experience with werewolves, so you and Scott were out of luck. No secret weapons.
"Scott, calm down. We're not getting out of here unless they want us to."
He slumped down against the wall and let out a deep breath. "I should never have brought you here."
"Hey," you sat down next to him. "None of this is your fault."
"I won't let them hurt you," he said, looking at you. "I swear I'll die before they touch you."
"Shut up."
"I'm not letting you sacrifice anything for me. And don't talk about you dying. I don't like to think about that."
Four men came by this time, and two of them were werewolves. Your heart was beating out of your chest. Was this where you died?
They opened the door to the cell, stepping inside to stand in a line, arms folded. Scott looked ready to fight; you put your hand on his shoulder.
"Tell us where Derek Hale is," one of them spoke up. "And we'll let you go."
"We're not telling you anything," Scott growled.
"Let's try this again," another said. He and a werewolf moved forward. Outmatched, you were thrown onto the ground, and the werewolf pressed your face to the ground.
Scott lunged forward, but was held back by the other two. They pushed him to the ground as well.
"Where's Derek Hale?" A bearded one asked.
"Go to hell!" You said.
Your face was pressed down harder. You grunted, struggling, but they had hold of your arms. The human let go of you, and pulled out a gun, holding it to your head.
"Either you tell us where Hale is, or we'll blow her brains out," he said.
"Scott, no! Don't tell them anything!" You said.
Scott tried and failed to free himself. "I'll kill you!" He screamed. "You kill her, I'll kill you!"
"Alright, so you would rather die give up Derek," the one with the gun said to you. "Well, maybe a shot to the brains wouldn't kill you. Maybe a shot to his would."
He took a few steps the opposite direction, and now put the gun to Scott's head.
"No!" You screamed. "Let him go! Let him go! I'll do anything!"
"You know what I want."
"Derek..." You said. "Derek is..."
You swung up, headbutting the werewolf who had you. The guy with the gun took his eyes off Scott to aim at you, but you took him down all too easy. The other human scrambled to get the gun, but you kicked it away, throwing him into the bars of the cell. You heard a few of his bones snapping as you grabbed the other werewolf, punching him in the throat so hard, you could practically feel his jugular.
"Come on!" You grabbed Scott by the collar, pulling him up. He fumbled around and stole the keys from the humans' pants, unlocking the door to the cell.
You sprinted alongside Scott down a never-ending hallway, barely believing what you had just done. You probably looked cool as hell!
"That was awesome!" Scott told you.
"Shut up and keep running!"
"Man, I love you!"
You didn't stop running, but your heart did stop beating. Since when did you and Scott say 'I love you'? Scott remained silent as the two of you burst out the door, not stopping until you reached his car.
"Scott," you said, opening the passenger door.
"You don't have to say anything," he said, avoiding your eyes.
"I love you too."
"You don't have to say it just because I said it."
"I mean it. I really love you."
"I love you too."