It would be nice if the pack actually let you in on the action. Instead, you were stuck doing easy jobs, like walking through a shortcut in the middle of the woods with Liam Dunbar to get more chips.
"Wait up," you said to Liam, who walked far in front of you.
"Walk faster," he said. "I would have been back by now if they hadn't made me take you.
Ah, yes, walking with Liam Dunbar was definitely easy. Or it might have been easy if Liam didn't hate you.
Liam didn't hate you because of anything you did. He just didn't like you being around him, and he made it known.
"Stop," he said suddenly.
"What is it?"
"There's another wolf," he said.
"How do you know?" You asked. He glared at you. "Oh."
"Whoa," Liam gasped when two wolves jumped out of the trees. Liam was knocked to the ground, and you stood by- a helpless human. Liam managed with the two for as long as he could, until- without any warning- he pushed one towards you. "Catch!" He said.
You fell backwards to the ground, and rolled on the slightly downwards slope until you hit a tree. You screamed as it clawed your face, putting your hands on its neck and trying to keep its teeth away from you.
"Dammit, [Y/N]," Liam slid down the slope and pulled the wolf off of you. The wolf growled, and he echoed it, sending it into the woods. "The other one ran away," he said, turning back the other way.
"Liam!" You screamed from the ground. "You couldn't have at least warned me first?"
"I didn't feel like it," he answered. "Hurry up."
"What the hell is wrong with you?" You scrambled to your feet. "Scott would have killed you if I died."
"You weren't going to die," the attractive boy rolled his eyes. "And Scott wouldn't hurt me. I'm his beta. You're just in the pack because you're Stiles' little sister." He continued up the slope, and you tripped along behind him.
"You're only in the pack because Scott accidentally bit you!" You yelled. "He never wanted you in the pack!"
Liam turned around and pushed you. You nearly fell back down the slope, but were able to regain your balance. Angrily, you pulled Liam backwards by the neck. He, however, was not as coordinated. He stumbled backwards, and started rolling down the slope, just as you had. Unfortunately, he didn't hit a tree. He just kept rolling until he disappeared into the ground.
"Liam!" You shouted, and began carefully and quickly making your way to him. When you got to the spot where he disappeared, you saw a large hole in the ground. "Liam?" You peeked into the hole. It was about fifty feet deep, but you could still see him at the bottom.
"I fell in a hole!" He said.
"Hold on, I'm gonna get you out," you said.
"You?" Liam scoffed. "Go get Scott. You're too helpless."
"I'm not!" You argued.
"Yeah, you are. Now go get Scott."
"No," you said.
"I said no," you said. "Not until you apologize."
Liam hesitated. "I'll just climb out, then."
"Yeah, good luck."
"I've done it before."
"Yeah, but Scott had to save you."
"Only because I was poisoned."
You were about to respond with an incredibly sarcastic and witty remark, when your foot slipped out from underneath you. You fell straight into the hole. "Help!" You screamed as you began to plummet to your death. Air sped past you as descended towards the earth. But you didn't land on the cold dirt, you landed in Liam's arms.
"Shit," he said. "[Y/N], are you okay?"
For some odd reason, you couldn't seem to speak, or move out of his arms. You clung to him for dear life.
"Hey," he shook you. "You okay?"
"Yeah," you breathed. "I just got the wind knocked out of me. It tends to happen to normal people when they fall fifty feet."
"Fifty?" He scoffed. "That's like thirty."
"Forty," you compromised.
"Well," Liam said. "Now we're both stuck." He put you down.
"Did you bring your phone?"
"No, did you?"
"Okay," Liam said. "What do we do?"
"We could make out," you suggested sarcastically.
"Alright," he said.
"What?" You laughed. "Dude, I was joking."
"Yeah, I know," he said. "But maybe just to pass the time until Scott comes and rescues us.
"Why? Do you like me or something?" You asked. Liam having a crush on you did explain a lot, like why he acted so different around you.
"I mean, you're attractive," he said.
You put your hand on his shoulder and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
"That's all I get?" He asked. You swung your other arm around his neck and made out with him until you were interrupted.
"[Y/N]!" Stiles screamed at you from above. You looked up to see him and Scott peeking curiously down the hole.