You tapped your pencil against your math binder, distracted. You were sprawled out across your bed, wearing Nike shorts, trying desperately to focus on your homework.
You looked back at the problem and groaned. There was no way you were going to finish it.
You shoved the binder back into your backpack and fell back down onto the bed, sighing.
You could feel yourself slowly starting to drift away, to fall asleep, but you were interrupted by someone knocking on the open door to your room.
"Theo," you sat up, looking at the boy in the doorway.
"Hey," he said. "Can I come in?"
"Yeah, sure."
Theo sat down at the end of the bed. "Sorry for dropping in unannounced. I was just bored, and... I thought you might want to hang out."
"You thought right," you raised an eyebrow at him.
Theo had a tendency to stop by often, more often than your family would like, but you were okay with it. You weren't dating, no, he didn't have time for that. You weren't even sure that he liked you. He was hot, and your weren't quite sure what your were. You were just two single high schoolers- going to school by day, fighting crime by night, and hanging out in between. You hung out a lot, enough to make people think you were dating, much to the pack's chagrin.
"Want to watch a movie?" He asked.
No, you didn't want to watch a movie. You wanted to talk to him, to have an actual conversation. You wanted him to confess his love for you so you could go riding off into the sunset on a purple unicorn. But that would never happen.
"Which one?" You responded unenthusiastically.
"You don't seem to like that idea," he said.
Of course you didn't, and you wished he weren't so blind that he couldn't see how you felt.
"I'm fine with it."
He looked at you doubtfully. You liked that look, the one that showed you how much he cared.
"We can do something else," he said. "Your choice."
"I just..." You looked at him, trying to find words. "I just want to talk to you."
He appeared concerned. "What about?"
"Oh, I don't know. Anything."
"Okay," he nodded. "Anything."
You were both silent. You felt hopeless. There was no hope for your relationship. There was no way he was going to love you, at least not in a romantic sense. Not in the way you loved him.
"We can watch a movie," you said finally, standing up.
"Wait," he grabbed your wrist. You stood with you back to him. "There's something on your mind. Sit down."
You sighed and sat back on the bed, under his control.
"It's nothing," you told him. "I just like this guy, no problem."
"Did he hurt you?" Theo's eyes widened. "I'll kill him."
"No, it's not like that. He just doesn't like me back. No one ever likes me back."
"That's not true."
He had your hand in his, gently stroking your palm with his thumb.
"Oh yeah? Name one guy who's ever liked me."
Theo didn't answer you. It wasn't as if he couldn't come up with a response, he could. He just didn't see the point in wasting any more time. He wanted to show you how he felt, just as much as you had wanted to show him. Maybe he wanted it even more. And that was why Theo kissed you. Because of how he felt.