You and Lydia walked down the cracked sidewalk to Allison's house. Her parents were out of town for the weekend, and she had invited the two of you, Scott, Stiles and Isaac over.
"Can I ask you something?" You said to Lydia.
"Is it about Allison again?" Lydia asked. "She's dating Isaac now. She wants Scott to move on."
"It's not about Allison," you said. "It's about Scott."
"What about Scott?" Lydia asked curiously.
"We've been dating for two months," you said.
"Yeah," Lydia said in an inpatient way.
"It's just..." You paused. There was no easy way for you to say it. "How long were you and Jackson dating before... he kissed you?"
"Oh my god," Lydia stopped walking. "You haven't kissed? You've been dating for two months and you haven't kissed?"
You stopped too, and gave Lydia a look of utter defeat.
"I thought you were being secretive about your relationship, but you just haven't had anything to tell!" Lydia exclaimed.
"I thought he was going to once when we were at the movies," you sighed.
"[Y/N]," Lydia said. "If you really want him to kiss you, I have the perfect plan."
Your eyes widened. "No. Lydia, no."
"Trust me, it'll work."
"That's what I'm worried about," you said.
Lydia grabbed your hand and started walking quickly up the driveway to Allison's house. "Look, they're all here," she motioned towards the cars.
"Lydia," you hissed, but she was already ringing the doorbell. "Don't do anything. I swear-"
"Hey," Allison answered the door.
"Hey," Lydia said cheerfully and sauntered inside. You gave Allison a fearful smile and followed her.
Allison shut the door and walked in front of you. She sat on Isaac's lap and gave him a quick kiss. You sat next to Scott. No kiss.
Things went smoothly for a long while. In fact, things had gone so smoothly that you forgot all about Lydia's evil scheming. The six of you talked and laughed until Lydia decided it was time to take action. "We should play Twister," she said.
Everyone immediately agreed that it was a good idea. Lydia conveniently agreed to be the referee. Seated comfortably on the couch, she held the spinner with a sly smile on her face while Stiles and Isaac lay out the mat.
"Okay," Lydia said when you, Scott, Isaac, Allison and Stiles were all ready. "Left foot blue." All five of you easily put your foot on a blue circle. "Right hand yellow." Easy. "Right foot red." This one was a little more awkward. Each of your legs stretched out, and a hand remained on the floor. Each of you ended up with someone else's butt in your face.
"Scott, don't fart," Stiles instructed.
"Right foot green," Lydia said.
"Shit," Stiles said as he accidentally touched his knee to the mat. Lydia patted the spot on the couch next to her.
"Left hand yellow. Left foot blue. Right hand green," Lydia rattled off.
"Ah," Isaac tripped. Lydia patted the spot on her other side. You could see that she was strategically eyeing the mat.
"Right foot yellow," she said, and Allison was out. You could see that her plan was coming along, but couldn't tell what was going on.
"I'm gonna win," Scott teased from his awkward position.
"Left hand blue," Lydia said excitedly. "Right hand yellow. Left foot red."
Scott was on all fours, with his back facing the mat. You were now almost directly on top of him.
"Right hand red," Lydia said, and that was it. You couldn't reach, and you fell onto Scott.
"Sorry," you laughed when you both hit the mat. As you laid on top of him, you could see what Lydia had set you up for. It was the perfect moment. Scott was smiling at you, his lips open. Lydia wasn't planning on Scott kissing you, she was planning on you kissing Scott. You plunged downwards, and put your lips onto his. He froze, but only for a second. He put his hands under the back of your shirt, and kissed back.
"Yeah, Scotty," Stiles cheered.
"Wow," Scott gasped when you pulled back. "I mean, I thought you weren't ready."
"Scott," you breathed. "You idiot."
You pressed your lips to his again, harder.