Jackson - All Emotional and Everything

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"Jackson, pull over," you said. "There's a dog."

"Disgusting. It can find it's own way home," Jackson didn't stop. Jackson never stopped for anyone.

Knowing it wasn't worth the fight, you sighed and leaned back in your seat. You loved Jackson, but sometimes you wished he weren't so inhuman. You watched through the car mirror as a different young couple pulled up and started to lure the dog over to them.

"See?" Jackson looked back. "There's enough charity in the world."

It didn't take long for Jackson to reach your house. He didn't pull into the driveway, he just stopped in the middle of the street.

"Hurry, I'm wasting gas," he said. You glared at him and he started to laugh. "I'm just kidding. I'm rich."

"Bye, Jackson," you kissed his cheek.

"Yeah, yeah. Bye.

You climbed out of the car and started walking to your house. You cringed as Jackson sped away in his new Porsche.

"I swear he loves that Porsche more than me," you whispered to yourself as you walked into your house. "I'm home!"

"How was your date?" Your mom asked from the other room.

"It was alright," you told her, making a bee line to your bedroom. You plopped down on your bed, closing your eyes briefly before your phone buzzed.

"Hello?" You answered.

"Hey," Jackson croaked.

"Jackson?" You sat up. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Um," he stuttered out. "Can you come over?"

"I'm on my way," you said, and he hung up. You walked out of your room. "Hey, mom, I left my jacket at Jackson's. I'm gonna go get it."

"Alright," she replied, and you ran out to your car to drive to Jackson's.

During the short drive, thoughts plagued your mind. He could be hurt. He could have been killed. He could have killed someone.

When you arrived at his house, you parked your car in the driveway and ran to the front door. Not bothering to knock, you stormed inside and yelled his name.

"Hey," Jackson appeared at the top of the grand staircase. "I'm glad you came. I just wanted to say sorry for being a complete dick today."

You noticed him clutching some papers in his hand as he descended down the stairs. "What's that in your hand?"

He walked slowly down to you. "I really hope this helps explain why I've been so awful lately."

When he finally reached you, there was a tear visible in his eye. He handed you the papers. You didn't look at them at first, you just stared into his eyes, as if hoping his orbs would explain everything. When you finally did look down, you saw Jackson's adoption paperwork. You looked at the sheet under it, seeing the adoption sheets for a girl named Veronica Cooper. "I don't understand."

"Read it," Jackson demanded somewhat angrily.

You inspected Veronica Cooper's papers more thoroughly, and then you noticed her birth date. It was June 15, 1995, the same as Jackson. Her parents were both killed in a car accident, and she was delivered via c-section. "You have a twin? Jackson, that's amazing!" You exclaimed.

"Look at the newspaper article," he said.

Under Veronica Cooper's papers was a small cut out of the newspaper. The title read: Fourteen year old girl killed in fatal car accident.

"Just like my parents," he cried. "Only a year ago."

You tried to reach out and touch his shoulder, but he pulled away abruptly, punching the wall in a fit of anger.

"Hey," you said. He turned pack to face you, and you pulled him into your arms. "I'm so sorry, J. I love you."

He sobbed in your arms and let out a muffled "I love you too."

He cried until he had no tears left, and you went home with the newfound knowledge that your boyfriend did indeed have actual emotions.

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