Stiles - Jealousy

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"Stiles!" You yelled angrily down the hallway, earning glares from your classmates. "I'm going to kill you!"

"Oh...God," you heard Stiles say to Scott as he took off running. You growled under your breath and sprinted after him.

He was fast, but you still caught up to him, grabbing him by the shoulders and turning him around. "What'd I do?" He whined as you shoved him up against the lockers.

"You know what you did," you told him as the bell rang. A crowd might have gathered if the students didn't need to file into class.

"We're late," he sighed.

"Don't change the subject," you growled, making him flinch.

"Hey, your eyes," he said.

"What about them?"

"What about-" he squeaked. "[Y/N], they're glowing yellow." He glanced around the hallway, but there was no one in sight.

"That happens when I'm angry," you snarled with your arm pressed against his neck.

"Look, I'm already running late," Stiles sighed. You pulled him closer and slammed him harder into the locker. "Ow."

"Stiles, why the hell did you tell Isaac I'm lesbian?"

"Me?" Stiles croaked nervously.

"Yes. You," you said angrily. You pressed your arm harder into his throat, and he let out a small cough.

He said quickly, "Isaac was going to ask you out and I got jealous and I couldn't think of any excuse other than you not liking guys."

You loosened your grip on his neck. He let out a deep breath. "Why didn't you want him to ask me out?"

"Because..." Stiles sighed. He appeared deep in thought over what to say next, and decided on not saying anything at all. He broke completely free of your grip, and placed his lips on yours. You stumbled back a bit, and your eyes shot wide open. "Um," Stiles pulled back awkwardly, and you stepped away. "I may have misread the situation."

You threw your arms around him, and buried your hands in his hair, planting a kiss on his lips. "No," you breathed. "You read it perfectly."

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