Aiden - Starting Over

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Author's Note:
I want to apologize to the hardcore Ethan and Aiden fans, because I never have any idea who I'm using in the pictures.

Also remember to vote, comment, and follow. I follow back.

QOTD: Who is your favorite Teen Wolf character?

You remember the exact moment when you fell in love with him.

It was the summer before junior year, just after he moved to Beacon Hills. You didn't know he was a werewolf yet, or even part of the Alpha pack. You just thought of him as the boy you had bumped into in the book store, and spilled coffee all over.

The moment you started loving him was when he invited you on a picnic, and took you to a special spot about thirty miles away. It was a beautiful little spot, right next to a waterfall. He was wearing cargo shorts and a gray polo, and you were wearing a new yellow sundress.

And as you were walking across the rocks, you slipped, but he wrapped his strong arms around your waist and straighted you out. You had instinctively put your arms around his neck, and when you looked straight into his eyes, that was it. That was the moment. You felt so safe in his arms, and you never wanted to leave them, but you did.

You and Aiden dated for six months, and the first five were the best months of your life.

Falling out of love with Aiden wasn't at all like falling in love with him. There wasn't one moment that you could pick out and say that's it. It was a painfully slow process.

At first, it was the little things. You stopped wanting to answer his texts. You stopped thinking about him before you went to sleep. You would forget to call him.

But things only escalated from there. You started lying to him, saying that you couldn't hang out. You stopped worrying about him when you knew he was going to get into a fight. You found yourself more annoyed by humored by his jokes.

The worst part was that you couldn't put your finger on why. It wasn't because he helped kill Boyd. You had still loved him then. It wasn't because of his constant feuding with Isaac. It wasn't because he looked at Lydia more than you would like. It was just that dating him had begun to feel like a chore.

That was what you told him when you broke up with him. He was mad, understandably. He yelled at you for not giving him good enough of a reason, and tried to convince you that you did love him. He punched through the wall, and that really terrified you. It was the first time he had ever scared you. He had always been protective of you, but you were afraid he might hurt you, so you didn't say anything else and left him there crying.

You felt like shit for that later. You felt like shit for a long time, and not just for leaving him like that. You thought that when you broke up with him, you would feel free. And you did, initially.

It only took about a month for you to start missing him. You started missing all of the things you had despised, and that's what led you back to him.

You had gone over your little speech about a million times in your head. You wanted to tell him how dumb you were, and how you had just needed some space, and you went about breaking with him all wrong, and you missed him and wanted to get back together.

But, when you saw him sitting alone on a bench in the park one Saturday, you didn't say any of that.

"Hey," you said quietly.

"Hey," he glared.

You sat down next to him on the bench, and he looked surprised. You stared out into the park, looking from the trees, to the playground, to the lake. It was all so beautiful. Aiden sat very quietly, following your eyes, as if wondering what you were looking at.

"I'm sorry," you said finally.

"Don't be," he put his hands together on his lap.

"No, I should be."

Aiden paused before saying, "we're both sorry."

"It wasn't your fault. I want you to know that."

"I just don't understand what happened."

"I can't explain what happened either," you said. "And I know that you're still angry at me, but-"

"I'm not angry anymore."


"That's what I'm sorry for," he looked you straight in the eye. "I'm sorry for scaring you."

"Well, listen to me. We were in love, okay? I get why you were angry. I wasn't sorry for breaking up with you. I was sorry for the way I did it. I didn't even give you a chance to understand. So, understand this. I want to love you again. I want to start over, and I want to have the same feeling I had when I first met you."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," you said. "I'm positive."

You slid across the bench, closing the gap between the two of you, and kissed him.

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