Liam - A Team of Their Own

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Kira tugged on your arm, and you groaned. She was trying to force you into going to tryouts for the first girl's lacrosse team.

"It'll be fun," she begged.

"Coach Finstock is scary," you said.

"Yeah, but it's not just Coach Finstock. There are managers too," Kira said. "Liam is a manager."

"Liam is a manager?" You asked.

"Yeah," she said slyly. "This is your chance to make him fall in love with you."

"Fine," you reached the locker room. "I'll try out."

You were nervous as you changed into workout clothes. You knew Kira was good. She was good enough to make it onto the boy's team before the girls had their own. You wondered if everyone else was good at lacrosse, because you sure weren't.

"Ready?" Kira asked.

"Yeah," you finished tying your shoe and let her lead you outside.

"Faster!" Coach Finstock yelled the second you stepped onto the field. You and Kira ran over to the herd of girls gathered around him.

Coach Finstock talked briefly about how to play, and then instructed you to line up and take shots at the goal.

"Where's Liam?" You asked Kira, who stood in front of you in line.

"Right there," she motioned her head to the goal.

Liam stood with his helmet on, wearing a gray shirt and black pants. He twirled his lacrosse stick around on his hands.

Coach blew his whistle, and the first girl took the ball into her stick. She ran forwards, and hurled it towards the net. It missed completely.

Coach blew his whistle again and again. Most girls missed, and those that got into the net were blocked by Liam. You were relieved to see that no one seemed experienced.

When your turn came up, Kira gave you a little shove. You stepped forwards, dug your heel into the ground, and let the ball fly out of your stick, and straight past Liam into the goal.

Liam looked from the ball on the ground and then to you. Coach squinted, as if he had expected no one to be able to get past Liam.

Coach let the rest of the girls finish, and went through the line two more times. You made in each time.

"Alright," Coach said finally, and looked at you. "What's your name?"

"[Y/N]," you said.

"[Y/N], you go with Liam. The rest of you come with me. Move it!"

As everyone turned and walked the other way, you looked at Liam, sitting under the goal.

"He told me to come over here," you approached him.

"I figured he would," Liam jumped up. "I'm going to teach you some plays, alright?"

"Sure," you said.

Liam ran through a detailed description of lacrosse, giving you every bit of information he knew.

"This seems easy," you said.

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah," you answered confidently.

"Hey, Coach!" Liam shouted. "I think she's ready!"

"Ready for what?" I asked.

Coach walked over to you, followed by two girls. Each of them was about twice your size.

"[Y/N], I want you to run down the field and score. Jordan, Alex, I want you to stop her," Coach said.

The three of you nodded, and you walked halfway down the field. Everyone else, including Liam, stood on the sideline.

Coach blew his whistle, and you took of running across the field. You confidently took the stick back behind your head, ready to score. Jordan ran at you, full blast, and body slammed you to the ground. You fell backwards and hit your head on the ground.

You heard a chorus of groans from the sideline, and Liam ran onto the field.

"Are you okay?" He asked with wide eyes.

"I'm fine," you sat up slowly.

"Guess you weren't ready, huh?"

"I was ready! I just didn't expect it."

"Which means you weren't ready."

"I'll be ready next time," you crossed your arms.

"I know you will," Liam put out both of his hands and helped you up. "Because I'll be there every step of the way."

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