Author's Note:
This was requested by luluuuuinfa, another person I cannot tag. I really want to say thanks to those 25 or so of you that have voted for me 96 times, and those who have left many comments. Every time you guys comment it brings a smile to my face. I really appreciate you guys.
QOTD: How did you discover Teen Wolf?
AOTD: I saw a screen cap of Stiles in the MRI machine on Instagram, and stalked the account.You pulled into the driveway of Liam's house, ready to surprise him. You had been out of town recently, and he wasn't expecting you back until tomorrow.
You knocked on the door. Mason answered.
"Hey, Mason. Liam home?"
"You're not supposed to be back until tomorrow," he said, wide-eyed. You heard a thud above your head.
"Is he upstairs?"
"You should wait here. I can get him," Mason said.
"Thanks, but I want to suprise him."
"Trust me. You do not want to go up there."
"Is something wrong? Is he okay?"
"I'll go get him," Mason tried to say, but you ran up the stairs.
You turned the corner to Liam's bedroom. The door was wide open, and you looked in to see him on the bed. When you saw him like that, your mouth opened, and you just stared for a couple seconds. Your bottom lip started to quiver because he wasn't just on the bed. He was on the bed with Hayden. And he didn't even notice you.
You turned around, closed your eyes for a few seconds, trying to regain your composure. You took a deep breath, and went back down the stairs.
"Mason, don't," you said. "Okay, I don't need to hear you defending him right now."
"I was just going to say sorry. You deserve better."
"I know," you sniffled, slipping out the door. You walked back to your car, climbed in, took another deep breath, which turned into choking, and started sobbing. You banged your fists on the steering wheel, hating him with everything you had.
The next day, he came up to you in the hallway at school, beaming.
"Hey, how was your vacation?" His dirty lips asked, kissing you.
"It was great. I even got you a souvenir. It's in my locker. Walk me there?"
"Yeah, sure. You know, I think I started to miss you so much that yesterday I could have sworn I sensed your presence."
"Wow, that's amazing," you grumbled, stopping in front of your locker.
"So what's my souvenir?"
"This is," you said, pulling out a box of his things. "Everything of yours from my house, except for the CDs. I'm keeping the CDs."
"Wait, but I like keeping this stuff at your house."
"Well, you would never see any of this again if you left it with me."
"What do you mean? Are you moving?"
"No, dumbass, I'm breaking up with you."
"You're... You're what? Why? Why would you do this to me?" He asked, already bringing out the puppy dog eyes.
"Because I think you'd look much better with Hayden."
Liam choked on air. "Mason told you?"
"No, you idiot. Remember when you sensed my presence? It was because my genius ass presence was watching you and Hayden do it in your dumbass bed."
"You can't seriously be blaming this on me. You weren't even in town. You were gone for two weeks."
"Have fun with Hayden, Liam."
Three months after that, you stood in the same spot with a different guy. You and Stiles had been going strong for eight weeks, and your life couldn't be better.
You were just grabbing your textbook out of your locker, when you saw Liam across the hallway. He had lost any sense of style he once had, and was wearing a bright yellow shirt with dark red pants. You cringed. He lost Hayden, too, after she decided to pursue someone else. Another thing he seemed to have lost was his sense of balance. You watched as he fell down the stairs, spilling out the contents of his backpack. Cheating on you seemed to have changed his life completely.
"Ready to go?" Stiles asked.
"Yeah," you answered, grabbing his hand. "Let's get out of here."