Stiles- Over and Back

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QOTD: Do you like season 6?
AOTD: It's better than 5, but I don't like the plot or the characters.

Either you cut off all ties to this human boy, [Y/N], or I swear to god I will kill him.

It had been two years since you had begun dating Stiles, and two weeks since you nearly lost him. You were on the run from your old pack. You had been born into it, but as soon as you grew up, you realized just how morally corrupt they were. And you left. You found Beacon Hills. You found Stiles, and then they found you again. They tried to kill him. They tried to take him from you, but you stopped it, and now there's a target on his back because of you.

You walked to Stiles' house, trying to get your words together. You had no idea what to say to him. Protecting him from your pack meant ripping his heart out of his chest.

You tripped on the rotten sidewalk, and fell hard on your chin, spilling the contents of your purse.

"Dammit," you muttered, sitting up. You forcefully began shoving everything back into your bag. Your hands were shaking as you stood up again, noticing that you had left something on the ground. It was the necklace Stiles had gotten you on your one year anniversary. You left it on the ground and continued walking.

When his house came into sight, you stopped for a second to gather yourself, wiping away tears that you hadn't realized had fallen. You were really going to do this. You were really going to break up with Stiles.

You walked up the steps to his home, and he answered the door before you even had the chance to knock. He always did that.

"Hey, you wanna come in?" He asked, unsuspecting.

"No," you sniffled. "No, this won't take long. I just need to talk to you for a second."

"Are you okay?" He tried to take your hand, but you moved it away.

"Stiles, I think we should stop this."

He stared at you, attempting to process what you had just said. He stumbled around his words before he finally managed to respond. "Why?"

"It's just not working anymore, Stiles. I'm sorry," you whimpered.

"No, you don't get to just do that. You don't get to walk over here and decide that the past two years of our lives haven't meant anything. You can't just decide that for us! I matter too! What about me? What about what I feel? Don't I get a say in this? You're not the only one in this relationship, [Y/N]!" He was sobbing now, making you cry harder.

"I can't do this anymore," you told him, knowing that you couldn't explain it to him. If you told him the truth, he wouldn't care. He would stay with you, and he would get killed.

"Can you at least tell me why? Can you at least do that for me? Has there been a dark cloud hovering above us this whole time and I just haven't noticed?"

"You won't understand," you told him.

"Make me understand, dammit! I love you! You can't just walk away from this for no reason!"

"I just don't feel..." You trailed off. You knew what you needed to tell him to protect him, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it. It was such a terrible thing to say.

"Just say it," he spoke quieter. "If you can look me in the eye, and tell me that you don't love me, I'll let you leave."

There was silence between you two. You loved him more than anything else in the world.

"Do you-"

"I don't love you," you said quickly.

He looked at the ground, tears streaming from his eyes. You tried to say something else, but your throat wouldn't let you take anything back.

"Damn you," he whispered, closing the door.

You let out a ragged breath when he was gone. "Oh god," you choked out. "Oh god."

You spun around and started sprinting away, not wanting him to hear you crying. You ran all the way down to the spot where you had dropped the necklace and collapsed on the sidewalk, wailing. He was really gone.

You took about half an hour before you were able to stand up. Your entire life was gone again. You couldn't stay in Beacon Hills anymore, not when your old pack was so close.

It was time to start over.

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