Derek- Thank You

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QOTD: Favorite member of the Alpha pack?
AOTD: Aiden

Why was it such an easy decision to sacrifice yourself for the ones you love? When you think about tragedies, you never want to be the one who ends up dead. You think about the people around you dying, and you think about how much it would hurt you, but in these tragic fantasies, you live. Maybe that's why it's so easy. You've thought about how much it would hurt to watch that person die, and you don't want to go through that. Maybe sacrifice is selfish.

The loud beeping alone was enough to drive you crazy. You and Derek stood in the middle of the hospital, staring at the bomb Deucalion had wired up inside. You had a death grip on his arm.

"Explain it to me one more time," you said quietly.

"I'll go in there, and I'll shut off the bomb, but the second I do, it'll emit a gas."

"What kind of gas?"

"A deadly gas," he answered vaguely. "When I diffuse the bomb, that door will slam shut. I can try to get out before that, but... I don't think that's possible."

"It's suicidal," you said, wiping away a single tear.

"Hey, look at me," he commanded, taking your face in his hands. "You're going to make it out of here, and so are all the other innocent people inside of here. I have to do this. It's the only way."

"No, someone else can do it!"

"I'm not going to sacrifice anyone else," he explained calmly.

You threw your arms around him, sobbing. You couldn't believe he was doing this, and for what? For you? If it was for you, he wouldn't be hurting you like this.

"You're killing me, Derek!"

"I'm saving you."

"I love you, okay? Don't take yourself away from me. Please. I can't live without you."

"I love you too," he responded, prying himself out of your grip. He leaned down one last time to kiss you, one last terrifying kiss. "Goodbye."

He stared at the open metal door, with a small eye level window. It seemed to be placed there for the simple purpose of letting you watch him die.

"Derek," you said before he turned to diffuse to bomb.


"Thank you... And... I'm sorry."

You grabbed him by the shoulders, and pulled him away from the door. He fell to the ground, and you ran inside, pulling out a thin, red wire.

Derek scrambled to his feet as the door slammed shut, and the gas started to pour out of the bomb.

"No!" He yelled, slamming his fists down on the hard metal. He tried to pry the door open, throwing his body against it in desperation. "What did you do? What did you do?"

"I'm sorry," you cried, putting your hand on the glass.

He gave up, stopped trying to get the door open. His low eyes stared at your hand, and then found their way to your face. He raised his hand, and put it on the other side of the glass. "I love you," he whispered.

Your lungs filled up with toxic air, and you fell to the ground, knowing that you hadn't died to protect Derek. You had died to protect yourself.

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