Author's Note: Requests can only be done through messaging.
QOTD: Scallison or Layden?
AOTD: ScallisonHey, I'm downstairs.
You pulled out your phone to answer Liam's text.
Getting on the elevator.
You pressed the button for the first floor, and checked your hair in the reflection. Liam had invited you to meet his family today, and you were more nervous than you'd thought possible.
"Hold the elevator!" Someone yelled, suddenly sticking their arm between the closing door. As they sauntered in, you pulled out your phone and texted Liam again.
Theo Raeken just walked into the elevator.
Theo hadn't noticed you when he was hurrying to get inside, but as you were sending the text, he turned his head to the side and smiled when he saw it was you.
"[Y/N]," he said. "I haven't seen you since we had sex in my car."
"Theo, you've seen me at least a hundred times since then. That was like eight months ago."
"Wow, I must have lost track of time."
The elevator ride couldn't seem to end soon enough. It felt as if Theo was breathing over your shoulder the whole way down.
Unfortunately, when the elevator did stop, it was an abrupt stop that almost knocked you to the ground. The doors opened, revealing an ugly brick wall, and before you could get a better look at it, the lights went out.
"Do you believe in fate?"
"I will rip out your intestines and feed them to you."
You couldn't see anything beyond an inch in front of you, but you could hear the creaking of the elevator, and you could only hope that you were close to the first floor. Or that if you did fall, only Theo would die.
You felt a hand graze against your shoulder.
"Theo, don't touch me."
"I didn't!"
"I just felt you touch my shoulder!"
"It wasn't me!"
"Hello," a third voice said.
You screamed and started throwing blind punches, one of which connected with Theo's jaw.
"It's me, Liam!" The voice said.
"Liam? What the hell?"
"I went a few floors up, pried the doors open, crawled down here, and opened up a panel. I heard Theo was here."
"Yeah, I'm here. Who the hell punched me?"
"I'm glad you're here," you said, hugging Liam.
"Why are you hugging me?" Theo asked.
"Ew!" You pulled back.
"Here, just look at my eyes," Liam told you. You turned around to see his glowing yellow eyes, and hugged him instead.
"Liam, did you come down here because you were worried I would have elevator sex with Theo?"
"I told you! Theo means nothing to me. You mean everything."
"I know, but I worry."
"You have nothing to worry about. I love you."
"I love you too."
You stepped back, and regretted it, taking a blind step forward and kissing him.
"Liam, what's on your mouth?"
"What?" Liam's voice came from a few feet away.
The lights came back on, and you saw Theo standing there with a bloody lip.
"Oh my god!" You screamed, gagging.
"[Y/N]!" Liam yelled.
"I thought he was you."
"Liam, look!" You said, and punched Theo again. "Theo means nothing."
"What the hell?" Theo said.
"Alright," Liam said as the elevator started moving again. "I believe you."
You wiped the Theo germs off your mouth, and kissed your boyfriend instead.