Derek - Anytime

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

The consistent sound of your heart rate comforted you, unlike your friends. Scott, Allison, Stiles, Lydia and Isaac all lay fast asleep in the corner of your hospital room.

The door clicked, and Derek entered, waking your friends up. "Shouldn't you guys be in school?" Derek asked.

"We'll go now," Scott rubbed his eyes. "You'll be here, right?"

"Yeah," Derek said. "In case she tries anything stupid."

You sighed loudly as your friends filed out of the room, Stiles touching the top of your head as he left.

"How are you doing?" Derek sat in the chair next to your bed.

"I'm fine," you insisted.

"[Y/N]," Derek took your hand. "You've been through something awful. You don't have to lie to me."

You looked him straight in the eye. It was natural to see Derek so serious, but it felt so strange under the circumstances. You didn't expect Derek to care about you so much. You, a human. A weak... human.

"How could he do something like that to me?" You said weakly, a single tear cascading down your cheek.

"Deucalion just wanted to get into Scott's head," Derek assured you. "He tried killing you himself, and it didn't work. He's never coming after you again."

"He shoved his claws into me," you whispered. "He can do better than that."

"There's no way he's hurting you again," Derek said. "Not with me here."

"Why the sudden interest in me?" You asked. "You don't have to care about me just because something bad happened."

Derek frowned. "You know that's not the only reason I care about you. You're pack. You're one of us."

You didn't respond. Cold, emotionless Derek cared about you. Cold, emotionless Derek viewed you as family.

"I'm going to go get you some jello," he stood up awkwardly.

"Derek," you grabbed his hand. He turned back around. "Thank you."

He smiled, "anytime."

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