Scott - Fire

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Author's Note:
Please check out the first chapter of my new story and remember to vote and comment on this one!

[Y/B/F/N] means your best friend's name.

You sat with your best friend on the bleachers by the lacrosse field. Beacon Hills was winning, and Scott McCall had scored three of the last four goals.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," [Y/B/F/N] said.

"Okay," you said, and she left you alone. Ten minutes later, Greenberg made a goal. The team began celebrating, bumping chests and high fiving. Their celebration was cut short when someone pointed to the school. Curious heads, including yours, turned to see smoke.

"Fire!" Someone yelled. The lacrosse field broke into pandemonium. People began running away, some stood and watched screaming.

You climbed off the bleachers and took off running. [Y/B/F/N] was still inside the blazing school.

A heard of people was gathered outside. There was a chemistry convention inside, which must have been the source of the fire.

"[Y/B/F/N]!" You screamed, pushing through the crowd. But you couldn't find her anywhere.

"Woah," a lacrosse player named Stiles said. "Have you ever seen anything like that?"

You ignored him, and stood on your toes to search the crowd. You were, however, unsuccessful.

Confident that she was inside, you tried to run into the building, but Stiles grabbed you by the waist. "What are you, crazy?" He asked.

"Let go of me!" You ripped yourself out of his arms and ran into the school. The closest bathroom was around the corner. You checked inside, but there was no one there. You ran upstairs to check the other bathrooms, but the fire was spreading more quickly up there. Hoping [Y/B/F/N] had gotten out, you ran into a classroom in hopes of getting out through a window.

You tried to open it, but it wouldn't budge. Coughing, you looked through it in hopes of catching someone's attention. There was no one there.

"Shit," you mumbled, realizing there was no escape aside from the front door. As you turned around, you noticed that the fire had reached the doorway, which you had foolishly left open. Your eyes widened and you searched for a fire extinguisher. In the time it took for you to participate in your useless search, the fire had spread into the room.

You watched in horror as the entire room lit up. A beam cracked on the ceiling. Half of the fiery beam fell, knocking you to the ground. The other half of the beam began falling directly above you.

You closed your eyes as you prepared to be burned and crushed, but you never felt the weight of the beam. You opened your eyes to see Scott directly above you, throwing the beam off his shoulders.

"You have to get out of here," Scott said.

"But [Y/B/F/N]," you said shakily.

"[Y/B/F/N]? She was outside looking for you," he said.

You sighed and stood up. "How do we get out of here?"

"This way," he ran over to the windows.

"I already tried that," you started to explain, but he opened it with ease.

He looked outside. "It's kind of far; we're on the second floor."

"It'll be fine," you coughed out. You jumped onto the table, and threw yourself out of the window.

You landed in a heap on the ground. Every bit of air was sucked out of your lungs, but nothing was broken. Scott landed elegantly beside you.

"Are you okay?" He placed his hand on your back as you coughed again.

"I'm fine," you panted. "I'm [Y/N], by the way."

"I know," he smiled. "I'm Scott."

"I know."

Scott gave you a sly look, and stood up. A firefighter ran over and started to tend to you. You looked back up to Scott, but he was gone, vanished into thin air.

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