Isaac - English

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Isaac Lahey was a god. You couldn't understand how anyone had ever seen him as a loser. You had always loved him. Leather jackets and newfound lacrosse skills made Isaac popular, which meant more competition for you. Well, not that you had much of a chance before either.

You had four classes with him and had never once spoken to him. Which was why today was so exciting. At the end of English yesterday, you'd been given a new seating chart. And finally, you were right next to him.

He was already there when you entered the classroom. He didn't look up when you took your seat. You wanted to smile or say hello, but you didn't.

"Okay," Mrs. Welcher started the class. "We're going to start working on our oral presentations. Work with your table group using the assignment sheet I gave you yesterday."

Every table group was of four. Except for ours. Ours was only [Y/N] and Isaac.

"I'll do the first part," Isaac said. Your heart fluttered at the sound of his voice.

"I'll do the second one," you said.

You and Isaac worked silently for the next hour. You had hoped to talk to him more, or at least work together.

"Do you want to meet up after school to work on this?" He asked before the bell rang.

"Uh, yeah," you said awkwardly. This was the excitement you had been hoping for.

"Can I pick you up at 7? We can get dinner," he asked.

You were about to consent when you realized that it wasn't the project he wanted to work on. This was a date.

"Are you asking me out?"

"Do you want me to be?" Isaac smiled sheepishly.

"Um," you tried not to smile, but gave him your address.

Isaac didn't say anything else. He picked up his bag and started towards the door when the bell rang.

"Wait," you said. Isaac turned around.

"Why me?" You asked.

"Because," he said. "I've liked you for five years."

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