Derek- Five

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Author's Note:
This was requested by @queenkatherine1, and I had no idea how to write it so here's this mess. Sorry it sucks.
QOTD: Do you want Cora to return in season 6?

You walked down the sidewalk, occupied with your phone, not paying attention to anything else. It was dark outside, and honestly, quite barren. So you didn't even notice the man creeping in the shadows.

You didn't notice until he had attacked you, pinning you to the hard sidewalk.

He put his hand around your throat, his claws ready to dig deeper into your flesh. "You know what happened to Deucalion," he said. "He still in town?"

"I don't know," you hissed.

"Yes you do," he said, drawing blood.

"So maybe I do. Why would I tell you?"

"I have my claws to your throat, and I swear to god, I'll kill you."

"I don't give a shit what you do."

He looked surprised, as if his presence alone normally had people tripping over their own feet to give him whatever he wanted. He clearly hadn't heard the word 'no' before.

He was breathing so close to you that you felt warmer than before, and his hand was positioned in a way that made you almost scared to move, but excited you too. You hadn't heard 'no' much either. It was strange to see anyone stand up to you.

"You don't want to hurt me," you smiled.

"What makes you think that?"

"Um, your boner."

He turned bright red. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know what? I'll tell you everything I know about Deucalion."

"You will?"

"Yeah, I'll tell you. There are five things you need to know. I'll tell you the first one tonight, after you take me home. And I'll tell you the second one tomorrow, my place. And by Friday, you'll know everything."

"Oh, that's a deal," he said excitedly, releasing your neck.

You reached up and kissed him, running your hand through his hair, finding your way to his belt. Yeah, you were on the sidewalk in the middle of no where, but you wanted Derek to get a taste of what would be happening later.

"I have a car," he said suddenly. "We can-"

You bit into his neck, and a small growl escaped his throat.

"Where's your car?" You asked.

The two of you ran across the street, jumping into the back seat of Derek's Camaro. He went in first, and you climbed on top, ripping off his shirt.

"Are you sure there are only five things?" He asked.

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