Go on, hold me close- DM X J3T

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Hey guys it is Airia. This is a new story I have decided to make because I have at least three one shot ideas already made, this one and another couple in the draft stage and I really wanted to share them with you. Don't worry I am not abandoning the other stories they will be updated when I have written the next chapters or Lana finishes chapter 10.

This is set in about late 2009 maybe early 2010.



Danny has only just joined Hollywood Undead. Unfortunately for him he was requested to join right in the middle of a tour. Danny was flown out from Los Angeles to join them and replace their now former front man Aron aka Deuce. Deuce had only just been kicked out of the band and they had no one else to turn to so Danny was chosen. The guys never talked about why Deuce was kicked out and they often were angry about it. Danny being thrown into the mess didn't want to push their tempers further and avoided asking them about it.

He has known and been friends with most of the band for a while. He had met Dylan and Jordon at high school and met the rest through them. He has also filled in for Deuce during other gigs in the past where Deuce refused to turn up. This new job suddenly put a lot of pressure on Danny. He had to choose between American Idol and the band (he obviously chose the band and dropped out of the competition). He also had to completely stop his commitments to Lorene Drive the band he was in before and learn all of Deuce's lyrics in a short space of time.

This also made Danny really stressed out. Having to deal with al the pressure that has been mounted onto him and the fact that the other members of his new band are acting like five extremely deadly bombs that could blow up at any moment didn't help much. He was happy that they didn't make any nasty comments when they found his panda plush on his bunk. They accepted when Danny told them that it helps him deal with homesickness. They didn't know the real reason.

When Danny gets too stressed he tends to have serious nightmares and the occasional night terror if the stress gets really unmanageable. He hasn't had any so far around the guys so they don't know. This is one of the few things that the guys don't know about Danny. He was worried that due to the stress he is going through lately will end up in him having a horrible nightmare and then the guys would hate him.

Johnny lays awake in his bunk, the others were fast asleep in their bunks and two of them were snoring in sync which was strange but you quickly got used to it as it was less annoying then people snoring at different times. He was one of the closer people to Aron and was personally hurt by his behaviour and often stayed up late thinking about it He also thought about his little baby Ava who he missed and couldn't wait to see her when he got home.

Out of the corner of his eye he sees a black and white lump on the floor. He leans out of his bunk a little and shines his phone light onto it to find out what it is. It is Danny's panda plush. The big green eyes freaked anyone out at first. Why is it on the floor? Everyone one the bus knows that the plush always stays on Danny's bunk and if it wasn't there then they would have to suffer the adorableness which was Danny when he was annoyed and it kind of failed.

Johnny gets out of his bunk and picks up the teddy. He is about to open the curtain to Danny's bunk and return the panda to the man before he wakes up but the sound of whimpering makes him freeze. It was really quiet and first but as you get to Danny's bunk it gets a little louder. He decided that he was going to wait a little before giving the plush back as he knew how easily Danny could be startled and he didn't know if Danny was awake or not.

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