Don't Leave Me DK x DM

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George p.o.v

"Hey, I thought blondie got in before you?" Jorel asks as Jordon turns up to the studio. Danny isn't here yet, neither is Matt but the rest of us are now. "Maybe they slept in late, who knows?" I tell him and suddenly Matt walks in a little angry, but Danny was no where in sight. We want to ask where Danny is, but I decided to keep my mouth shut. I can always text Danny to ask him where he is. "Where's your boyfriend Matt?" Jordon asks, and Matt just growled. Something must have happened between those two. I was watching Matt's body language while he kinda stormed over to the other side of the room. "He is NOT my boyfriend," Matt says, and I tell Jordon to leave him alone. It's not worth pushing Matt's temper any further.

I mouthed to Jorel I was going to text Danny later. He might not want to talk about what happened. I will cover the absence when Sean turns up and say that Danny told me he isn't feeling so good this morning. "Anyway, let's get on with today's work and see how the day goes," I tell Jorel who nodded. It does look more and more likely that Danny is not turning up today. Poor dude, Matt seems like he has the asshole switch turned on today. I am going to go and see Danny later on to see how he is doing and offer him some support through this as he is most likely going to need it. "Danny got sick?" Sean asks when he sees everyone else but Danny in the studio when he arrives a few minutes later. "Yeah he told me this morning he was up all night with a stomach bug, so I told him to stay home and rest," I said, covering for the younger blonde.

Matt gave me a questioning look, but I shook my head at him when Sean wasn't paying attention to us. If he wants to be an asshole today, then I am going to let him. Though I am not going to let him drag Danny through the mud because of their little lovers spat. "Right, who wants to record their stuff first?" Sean asks, and Jordon immediately jumps up to have his turn in the booth. Matt is sulking in the corner and when Sean came up to me to ask about it I just told him he woke up in a grumpy mood this morning. Jorel and Dylan come and sit close to me so I can quietly keep them updated on what I know about Danny and so we can attempt to write some new lyrics. Just as I am about to text Danny I receive a text from him.

Dan: Hey, mind if I come live with you for a little while? Matt wants to kick me out tonight. I am sure you know what happened by now.

George: Sure buddy, you can live me with for as long as you need. I'll come get you once work is over. Matt's in quite a stroppy mood and he did say you two weren't together anymore. I told Sean you aren't well. Didn't think you needed the questioning right at this moment.

Dan: You truly are a god George. I did question why Sean texted me get better soon but I will happily roll with that for now at least. Matt was angry when he left the house. We broke up last night after a massive argument, but our relationship had gone down hill for months.

George: Aw you're welcome Danny. Yeah, I knew it must have been bad for Matt to be this stroppy over it. If you feel up to it later, we can talk more about it and see what we can do to resolve any lasting issues.

Dan: I don't know yet, honestly George I am still in shock over this. I hope you can help me. I really loved him.

George: I know you did Danny, this is going to be a shock to you. You two have been together for five years and its just abruptly ended in not the nicest of ways.

Dan: Yeah, I honestly appreciate you letting me live with you. I'll pay you back for it.

George: You will always be welcome in my home Danny. You don't have to pay me back, honestly.

Dan: Okay if you're sure. I'm going to start packing my stuff up. I'll see you later.

George: I'm sure buddy, don't worry. I will see you later.

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