Made of Scars JD x FM

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*Pic is from Famous Birthdays which Charlie Scene himself has posted on his Instagram a screenshot of the website on his own birthday so we know this is accurate information. I will NOT be bringing this debate up again*

Part 3 of my scars series – As always if you want to read what happened to Danny and George then check out the following:

I'm Bent I'm not Broken

Every Lasting Scar


Jorel p.o.v

Today was Danny and George's first therapy session. Management asked them whether join therapy would help them deal with their scars and they agreed. Danny would have gone on his own if he wasn't so afraid to speak about what happened. Matt and Jordon are waiting anxiously with us at my house. I promised Danny we would de a redo of the movie night and include him in it after the therapy. I'm hoping that it would be the last of the attacks now, but an unsettling feeling in my stomach says that gang if larger than we all anticipated, and they will get all of us eventually it's only a matter of time. It has been six months since George's attack and a year since Danny's, so I think one of us is gonna get it soon.

I don't tell anyone else this even though Danny's mentioned it in his sleep before. No one asked him about it because he barely remembers the good dreams anymore. If I was to be attacked it would be difficult. Dylan's wouldn't give much pay off and Jordon's is too difficult too. Matt's would be more worth it for them, but I don't think they'd go after him just yet. We'll just have to see how it all goes when one of us leave the house. There is no use dwelling on it too much either though. We could all be left alone now and it's just poor Danny and George that have to live with theirs for the rest of their lives.

Danny's almost fully used to being blind in one eye. It does still cause him to be a little clumsier than he used to be, but he is so careful now that he rarely ever falls. George was more self-conscious about his at first, Danny's lucky he can hide most of his with shades. There is no hiding a three that goes from your forehead to your chin on one side of your face. He embraces it now, as does Danny with his. Soon the other two walk in and Danny goes straight into Matt's arms and buries his head into the older man's chest. "It's okay Danny," Matt says, I look to Jordon and see those two snuggled like Dylan and I are. "He did so well, he managed to tell the lady everything like I did," George says, that's good. I'm glad Danny got it off his chest.

"That's good, we're always proud of you Danny," I tell him, and I see a smile out of the blonde. He finally got the courage to go to his hairdresser who even gave him a slot where they knew the place would be quiet to help reduce the stress. "Thanks, I was a little worried that I was not going to be able to talk like that first attempt with the cops," he tells us. Matt still hates that insensitive cop that was there at the first interview they had. It's safe to say that particular cop is not involved in either Danny or George's cases. "Yeah, we get that. If you ever wanna talk to any of us about it then you can," Dylan says. Danny yawns, he's had another rough time with sleep, that's why I am picking films that might just send him off to dreamland.

It worked, too well since it also made George fall asleep after a while. I smiled at Matt who looked so grateful that his boyfriend was asleep. "Thanks for arranging this Jorel. This is exactly what we need right now. Just some time off to relax and enjoy each other's company," he tells me. I get up to get blankets for the sleeping ones and Matt hugs me after I cover Danny with a blanket. "You're welcome Matt, I know this was badly needed. Everything will work itself out in the end," I tell him. I hug him back and then go snuggle up with Dylan to enjoy the movies. It's just perfect, all six of us relaxing without a care in the world.

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