Save Me Tonight DK x J3T

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Heya, sorry I have been dealing with some health issues these last couple of weeks which has hindered my writing process somewhat! This was a request by  so I hope they enjoy. Sorry that it took longer than I expected.



Third p.o.v

A curly haired man sits in his bathroom, a small kitchen knife is in his hands. He spins it around a few times. The blade appealed to him. To the male this blade did so much more than just chop the food which made his dinner. He felt like the blade could take all of his pain away from him. To him the blade could solve all of his problems and fix all of his mistakes.

He knew if he was going to do something he would have to be quick about it. His friends worried about him enough already. He had not shown up to work once this week and had ignored most of their calls other than ones where they threatened to come over. He didn't want their help, he didn't think he needed it. He had an argument with someone and that had led to the downward spiral he found himself in. He was surprised he wasn't really upset by the words his supposed friend had said to him. "When will you see that no one really cares about you?" To the male or had confirmed what he thought all along, no one wanted him around. No one really cared about him, they were just doing it to make him happy. They were just doing it to make the fans happy, they had no idea what was going on behind the scenes, that the drummer was falling apart behind a very securely closed door.

He wasn't really sure that all that pretend was truly making him happy. In the end they are all going to turn their backs on him, so he was waiting for that day to happen. For that day where they all tell him that they have all had enough of him and didn't want to deal with him any longer. He knew that day was going to come soon. The band was only doing it to make it appear to everyone else that they were worried about him, he knew deep down they were going to reject him, just like everyone else.

To him the knife was his paintbrush and his thighs were the canvas today. His arms were already littered with the same lines that he would make on his legs. No one knew about them though, they were all scars and reminders that he was still alive. He had managed to keep people in the dark by hiding them with the tattoos and occasionally some light make up. The world was none the wiser to what he was doing, and he wanted it to stay that way for as long as possible. No therapists around to tell him that they pretend to understand the internal pain and struggle he was going through on a daily basis. The sheer will power it took to get out of bed each morning.

No one knew how much effort it took and how much energy it took to keep his mask up every day and appear happy to everyone around him. No one knew of the demons that haunted him and watched his every move quick to point out where he had gone wrong that day. It was 20 minutes before his bandmates will have finished work for the day and he was finished with his self-infected art project, so he needed to clean up his tools. He needed to keep up the act that everything was fine. He cleaned his wounds and dressed them before making sure everything was clean and the way it was before.

Then George decided to pay a visit, unannounced like usual and with the usual I care about you talk. The curly haired male decided to keep a façade up, George must not know the truth. Especially when it involved him and certain romantic feelings the younger one had for the older. He thought he was doing well to keep his facade going. The band had no reason to suspect that anything was wrong with him. He was his usual cheery self, so they thought. He gave them no reason for them to think otherwise. They didn't know that the demons were already tormenting him for not going all the way.

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