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Hey guys I am finally starting to get around to doing the requests. This is my second attempt at writing this one shot because my first file got corrupted and we tried to save it but it didn't work unfortunately and now I have to write it all over again.

This is an AU story so the band doesn't exist.

Thanks to my sister for writing the Smut scene for me as always. 


Danny p.o.v

I wake up with a sigh and I pushed my alarm clock to the floor. I don't want to get up today but I know I have to and I am going to work tonight. My name is Danny Murillo, I am 24 years old and I work at a strip club. I've been working here since I was twenty-one years old and I haven't gotten into a relationship since. They just want one-night stands with me and then they never come back. I am just that much of a failure that people don't want to come back for more. I roll over and cover my head with the blanket. It is just one of those days today where I just don't want to get up for anything or anyone. I hear someone walk into my room and sit on the other side of my double bed.

"Is it one of those days today Danny?" Jorel Decker, my roommate since we left high school asks me. "Yeah, I don't wanna leave the bed," I tell him and he places his hand on my back over the duvet I was hiding under. He was rubbing my back and I know he is going to convince me that going to work today will be worth it. "Can I come in?" he asks me after a few minutes and I shrugged. He can do what he wants and it isn't up to me. Then I felt his arms wrap around my waist and I turned over and buried my head into his chest. "Don't worry Danny. You will have a good day today I promise," he tells me. He isn't dating me because he is more like my big brother. "But what if I don't?" I ask him.

"You can't live your life on what if's Danny, just try and go to work in the mindset that today is going to be a good day and you can deal with whatever happens during the day when it happens," Jorel tells me. I sigh, he is right as usual and he somehow always brings me out of this mood and tries to bring my self-confidence up even though it doesn't always work and I do have days where I am just depressed the entire day and nothing helps me. "You're right as usual," I tell him and he chuckles. "I know I am right buddy. Now come on, I can see why you don't want to leave this bed but we have to. I'll take you to Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast," Jorel says knowing he will get me up and the mention of Dunkin' Dounts.

"Curse you and those donuts," I tell him and he chuckles. He gets out of my bed and pulls me out of it just to make sure I wasn't going to roll back over and spend another day hiding under the duvet. "You know you love me really Danny," he tells me as he goes to my closet to get an outfit to throw at me. "Yeah, but only in small doses on a Saturday morning," I tell him as I check my watch to find out what the day and the date was. He chuckles again before throwing the outfit at me. I had to get boxers myself, but he chose my black ripped skinny jeans and a blue Dodger's t-shirt. "Get dressed buddy. We are leaving in five," he tells me and I nod. "Yes, sir," I tell him sarcastically and he smiles. Then he left to get himself dressed for the day.

"Don't even think about getting back into bed Murillo," he tells me while he is getting changed. "I won't." I shouted back and decided that I should have a shower this morning because I had a night terror last night and I'm all sweaty and gross this morning. I dashed to the bathroom and grabbed a towel on the way and shortly after I hopped into the hot water and just quickly washed myself because I know we are on a time limit here. I was ready to go and waiting in the kitchen with a minute to spare and I felt proud of myself. "Come on let's get breakfast," Jorel tells me and I smile at him and I went to grab my wallet but I knew he was going to pay like always but I bring mine just in case.

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