Shut Up and Kiss JD x CS

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Hey guys, I have a little bit of writer's block on We Are so I am working through more of my requests. This lovely request has come from Awoken Monster and I hope I have made it good for them.


J-dog P.O.V

Most of us were sitting in the living area of the bus while we are heading to our next location which will let us stay in a hotel for a night which is nice. Danny came shuffling out rubbing his eyes with a Day of the Dead t-shirt on and shorts. "Danny, since when did you wear our merch?" Jordon asks as Danny came over to sit next to me. "Since I ran out of clothes because my suitcase was lost by the airline like Jorel's was," Danny says. We both had the joys of complaining to the airline that three days ago had managed to lose both of our suitcases. "Maybe before we go to the hotel we can get you both some clothes to tide you over until they give you your suitcases," George suggests because the situation was getting desperate by now.

"Yeah, but Danny didn't have to go and give me his clothes," I tell them and Danny smiled at me. He had given me a couple of his t-shirts so now he had to wear our day of the dead one that we sold on the UK tour last year. "Yeah but I can't exactly let you borrow a pair of my shoes since our feet are different sizes so I thought I was helping by giving you my shirts," he tells me and I pull him into a hug. "Yeah well it was my fault that I spilled wine on them and I also didn't prepare for the situation of losing my suitcase," I tell Danny. Hopefully we get our suitcases when we get to the hotel sometime in the next couple of days. I noticed that Jordon was staring at me but when we made eye contact he looked away.

Jordon has been acting strange around me for a while. I split up with Vanessa a while ago and Danny pulled me through the sadness that went with it and he also did the same with Jordon when he divorced Randi last year but this tour has brought a strange version of Jordon on board. Like he will avoid me and then we have the awkward eye contact moments and the hugs don't feel like bro hugs anymore. "Hey Jorel, can you get Dylan to stop singing Meghan Trainor please? If I hear me too one more time I swear I will murder someone," George says, pulling me out of my thoughts. I stayed in my chair for a minute and then heard Dylan very badly singing along to the song and everyone looked to me for help.

"Yeah sure," I say and I accidently nudged Danny out of his dozing when I got up which earned me a whine and a pout from the lead singer. "Danny there are energy drinks in the fridge ya know," Matt says when Danny tried to fall asleep again. I just shook my head and walked towards the back-living area to stop Dylan torturing everyone with Meghan Trainor for one day. I laughed when I saw Dylan dancing around in the Giraffe onesie but I also knew he was probably high as well. "Oi Dylan, I think that is enough Meghan Trainor for one day," I tell him and he stops but he pouts. "When you get to your hotel room later you can sing Meghan to your heart's desire," I tell him and he perks up a little bit.

When I got back to where the other guys are I saw Danny with an energy drink can in his hands and the rest of the band chanting that he should chug the can down in one. I am sharing a room with the blonde tonight so I am either going to watch as he stays awake all night long or he passes out as soon as we get to the hotel room. For his sake, I really hope it is the latter and not the former. "This is just going to end up badly for you Danny," I tell him as he gives in and chugs the can. "I know and I am probably going to regret it later but for right now I don't really care," he tells me. They did look grateful that Dylan had stopped with the singing for now. He didn't seem to be acting like he is going to be bouncing off the walls at this moment in time.

We were getting closer to the next location and Danny still wasn't bouncing off the wall but Jordon had started to ignore me. He wasn't keen that I had chosen Danny to be the one to share a hotel room with me but to be honest I wouldn't be able to stand the awkwardness that it would bring between us. That and I want to talk to Danny about my feelings for Jordon without the chance of him overhearing us and finding out when I am now ready to act upon those feelings just yet. If I find the staring and the new hugs awkward then I am sure as hell going to find telling Jordon that I have a crush on him awkward. "So, how much is everyone going to bet that Danny will pass out as soon as he gets to the hotel?" Matt asks and I chuckled because I already thought about that.

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