Puppy Boy Part 1 DM x J3T

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Hey guys, this is my first hybrid one shot for the band and it is kind of a tester to see how it goes down with you guys before I consider making a story with hybrids in it other than We Are Broken from The Start which should be available on my page somewhere. I will love it if I got some feedback for this one please.

Anyway, this is the Deuce era and it is 2009 in the story so Deuce will be in this part but not the next one. Yes, this is a two-parter.


Today I decided that I was going to walk to the studio instead of drive. It's a sunny day so I didn't see the point in getting stuck in the endless lines of LA traffic this early in the morning when walking could be quicker. Something in one of the alleyways about two blocks from the studio catches my eye. It felt like someone is watching me, but I couldn't really see if it was a person or an animal. I am early for work right now so I think it wouldn't hurt to see if the person needed any help, if it was a person. It isn't like my day was going to be completely ruined if it turns out that whoever is watching me didn't need my help.

As I get closer, I notice that it was a person watching me and they looked like a hybrid. If this guy turns out to be a hybrid, then I am going to try my best to help him out. It is too risky to be out here in the open if you are a hybrid. From what I know they are all raised in the worst conditions in institutions and if they are lucky enough to escape the institutions then the owners will want them dead. I knew this hybrid is a male because of the tattered boxer shorts and the tattered t-shirt which shows a completely flat male chest. Hybrids are babies who are subjected to animal DNA in utero or shortly after birth and they are taken from their parents under the premise the child has passed away.

They are then raised in the institutions where they will gain the features of the animal they have been mixed with if they survive long enough. The most popular and most likely to survive are the ones with dog and cat DNA, even monkey. Although due to the similarity between the two, you hardly see monkey hybrids. I think I have heard of success stories with mouse DNA and Snake. The features cat and dog hybrids get are the ears and the tail, the cat hybrids don't get whiskers as far as I know. I think the snake hybrids get scales and the forked tongue and the mouse hybrids get the ears and the tail too, they also squeak occasionally.

The hybrid I have found and is crouched right in front of me seems to be a dog hybrid. I couldn't be too sure due to the lack of light his hiding spot has. I also couldn't really be sure but he looked to be an adult who is around 5"3 tall and that surprises me considering most hybrids don't survive to adults or leave the institutions they are raised in. Most of them die quite early on considering we are not supposed to be experimented on this way and it leads to genetic complications. The rest die due to the shocking conditions and abuse that they go through while they are in the institutions.

I know by stopping and trying to help this poor guy I am bordering on becoming late for work but I have a gut feeling that this guy needs my help. I have a packet of cookies in my backpack that I could give him since he probably hasn't eaten in at least a day. I could also use them to convince him that I am not a threat and I could help him survive this cruel fate he has been born into. The hybrid is fully aware that I am watching him but he isn't really making any move to run away from me. That means he isn't too afraid of me at the moment.

"Hey there, I am not going to hurt you," I tell the hybrid, hoping he would believe me. I take another step towards him and he tenses up a little which I was expecting. "You're not going to hurt me?" the hybrid asks, he sounded nervous and he nearly stuttered when he was talking. "I promise you that I am not going to hurt you," I reply, speaking calmly. If I was calm while I talk to him then maybe it would send the right message and he would be calm as well and it would be easier to get to know him and start a friendship.

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