Lords and Ladies DM x J3T

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Hey guys, this is an AU set in the middle ages. For this I am going to be splitting them up into the following groups:

Danny and Jorel (brothers, Jorel older than Danny by 4 years)

George, Dylan and Jordon. (also brothers, George the older boy and Dylan and Jordon twins)

I have done a lot of research on what it was like in the middle ages to make it as accurate as possible.


Danny p.o.v - 5 years old- House Murillo

"Jorel, don't forget to look after Daniel when you go out together," Mother tells us. Father and Mother have lots of boring meetings all day. That is why mother has given us permission to play on the grounds of the house as long as we didn't go too far. Our older brothers Rigo and Ruben are knights who are expected to fight for our house whenever necessary. Our sister Larissa has to stay at home, she isn't allowed to do much other than stay at home. "Don't worry Mother, we will not go farther than the front garden," Jorel tells her and I was quick to agree. We will have people watching out for us while we play in the garden for a few hours. Jorel has knight training later on in the day while I have reading lessons.

As soon as we got our mother's approval we went out side to play knights. Jorel says that it is a good way for me to begin to learn the things Jorel is learning earlier. I love playing knights with Jorel, there is not much else we can do here but that makes the day pass faster. We get two very long sticks and start play fighting under the careful supervision of those in charge of looking after us. They do not like it if either of us become too aggressive towards one another and they make us split up before it can cause injuries. We also have to be as careful as we can not to get our clothes dirty. Mother does not like it when we come back from playing covered in mud and dirt. Even though she does not wash our clothes, she does feel sorry for the ladies who do.

"I wonder when Rigo and Ruben are coming home," I tell Jorel after a while. It is no secret to him that I miss my older siblings. "It should be soon Daniel, we know that father wants them home before the visitors arrive," Jorel says, he pays more attention to the conversations that father has than I do. I just find them boring, even though as I get older I will have to learn all of these things as one day I know that I will be Lord of house Murillo so these types of things with be more important. I hear the sound of horse shoes on the path up to our manor house, so I stop playing just as Jorel bashes me on the head with a stick. I knew exactly who were on the horses and I rubbed my head while staring at Jorel.

"Sorry Daniel, didn't realise you at stopped," Jorel apologies, he was getting a look of disapproval from those looking after us so he had to apologise or else he would face the wrath of father later on. "I think Rigo and Ruben have arrived home," I tell him, looking towards the two horses which were vaguely familiar to me. "I believe you are right there," Jorel says, and we cautiously walk towards the horses much to our caregivers displeasure. Rigo took his helmet off first and I went running off to my brothers open and waiting arms. "Hello little brother," Rigo says and lifts me up into his arms. Ruben did the same with Jorel and then put us down on the ground to chase us around for a while. Father had left his meetings to watch us play as siblings.

"Aha I got you," I tell Rigo, I had used my small height to my advantage and gotten Rigo onto the floor. He chuckled and seemed to be surprised at how I had managed to overpower him so easily despite my small stature. "Indeed you have Daniel, you would make a fine young knight one day," Rigo says, as father calls us all in for food. I stay close by my eldest brother, if someone was to suddenly rush us then I would be protected by him. We had been ambushed once before and Jorel and I were lucky to come out of it without serious injuries according to father. Father hugs my older brothers tightly and smiles at us. He rubbed my head; a mark had formed where I had been bashed on the head by Jorel's stick so it hurt a little.

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