Why I don't skate DM x DK

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Been trying to write this one for ages, but as I was writing the draft the pen exploded and I have been dealing with some difficult times recently so I don't really have the motivation to do any writing all though I am trying to get back into the swing of things. I can't believe the pen exploded while I wasn't even using it. I don't always have good luck with pens.

Let's do this thing


Danny p.o.v

Matt told me that the rest of the band is going to meet us at the skate park this afternoon. It is nice to spend some time together outside of work and tours. It is nice because we get to relax together and have a chance to strengthen the friendships we have without being stressed to the point where we would constantly argue and fight with each other. I know that being on a tour bus with over six people means that eventually there will be fights from time to time. You do get tired of being around each other on a cramped tour bus so you end up taking your frustrations out on other people. Times like today are good because it is more recreational time with each other and the only thing that we could possible argue about is who buys lunch or dinner for everyone and who rides shotgun in a car if we car share.

"Will you be ready to go by half one?" Matt asks me, when he walks into my bedroom with a bowl of cereal in his hands. Matt doesn't live with me just yet. He doesn't want to make it official that we do live together just yet; I think we might want to wait until we get married or we are together longer until he moves in with me. We aren't ready to ready to move in yet. We are only staying with each other every now and then. He does however, likes to make me breakfast whenever he stays over at my house which I don't mind. This morning Matt made me a bowl of Lion cereal since that is the only cereal box I have in the house at the moment. It isn't my favourite cereal of all time but I enjoy it and I enjoy the slightly chocolatey milk that you get once you've eaten all the cereal and it's just milk left in the bowl.

Matt smiles when I drink the milk straight from the bowl by using it like it is a cup or a glass. I am not the only one who does this and I don't really care. "Never grow up Danny-bear," he tells me when I am done drinking from it and he takes the bowl away. I put my glasses on and give my loyal dog some attention while I wait a little while to feel awake enough to get out of bed this morning. Louis always enjoys the belly rubs I give him. Matt comes back and sat next to me in bed. He wrapped his arm around me and I snuggled up to him. "Good morning little bear," he tells me and I kiss his cheek and hug him tightly. "Good morning Mattie," I tell him. He smiles at me and Louie goes to sit on his lap.

I had a shower before I decide to get dressed for the day so Mattie isn't tempted to start a make out session with me which could lead to other things which I am not ready for yet. I am so sure that he wants to go the next step in our relationship but I am not ready and not there yet. I even deny every time he calls me hot or sexy. I'm not either of those things so I can't accept it when people call me hot. I always have a low view on myself; my self-esteem has never been particularly high. "Aw Danny, you should smile a lot today. You're one of the best skaters I know," Matt tells me and he plays with my hair. Matt always tries to make me feel better about myself even if it doesn't work.

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