High school love DK x FM

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This is an AU story because I am messing around with the ages and family dynamics a little bit.


A nervous five-year old waits outside as his parents' rush around with cardboard boxes. The blonde sighs, they were just moving into a new house and he was going to start a new kindergarten. He knows no one in this new neighborhood. He messes up his curly hair and sits down on the grass, waiting to explore his new home. "Don't worry Matt: we'll be done in an hour. Why don't you see if you can make a new friend, plenty of children your age are playing out today," his mum tells him, pointing to the group of similarly aged children playing in the next yard over.

He watches the four children playing, he was sure a couple of them were a year older than him. He wanted to go and talk to them but he found himself to be too shy to be able to just walk up to them. This was a new state for him, he came from Las Vegas, and he had no idea what the children in Los Angeles were like. They could be bullies for all he knew. His parents were now in the house, unpacking all the essentials and they didn't need Matt to get in the way or anything. One of the boys who were playing stopped as he spotted Matt.

Matt watched as the boy talked to his friends and then started walking over to him. The dark-haired Hispanic boy was a little taller than Matt but had a big smile as he approached the blonde. "Hey, my name is Dylan, I'm guessing you just moved right?" he says, holding his hand out. Matt reluctantly shook it. "Yeah, my name is Matt," he replies a little quieter than Dylan had spoken. Dylan pulls Matt onto his feet. "Come and meet my friends," he says excitedly and drags the shy blonde over to the three other boys.

"Guys this is Matt he just moved, Matt this is Jorel, Jordon and George," Dylan says, pointing to the other boys when he said their names. They all waved and Matt gave a shy wave back. He was nervous at first but an hour later he was quite happy and playing with the four males. He learned that Jorel and George are six and Jordon and Dylan are five like him. His mum had finished the unpacking for a little while and watched as her son made new friends. Dylan's mum was also watching to make sure that no one got hurt.

The mums soon got talking and Matt was allowed to stay at Dylan's for a little while so that his parents could finish getting his room ready and a couple of other rooms in the house like the kitchen and the living room. As Matt and Dylan walked into Dylan's living room his mum stopped them. "Boys it's okay to play but keep the noise down. Your little brother just went down for a nap," Dylan's mum tells them. Matt raises an eyebrow once they make it into the living room. "I have one little brother and two older ones," Dylan says.

"Cool, I have a sister," Matt says. Matt sees the blue blanket before he saw the little boy sleeping underneath it. The little boy had lighter skin than Dylan and slightly lighter brown hair. He was sleeping on his side with a little bunny stuffed animal tucked under one arm. Dylan turned to Matt, "That's Danny, he is three," Dylan says, counting on his fingers to remember how old his little brother is. Danny moved a little in his sleep because his name was called.

"What should we do?" Matt asks the slightly older boy. Dylan looks to his little brother, then around the room. The TV was on but it wasn't playing anything that interested the boys. "Let's watch some cartoons, then if little bro wakes up then we can watch them with him and he'll be a bit calmer, it is also the quietest thing I could think off," Dylan says. Matt makes no objections as Tom and Jerry comes onto the screen. Since the sofa was occupied by the three-year old, the boys decided to lie on the floor and watch the cartoons.

Danny wakes up two and a half hours later, Matt was staying for dinner and it was only 3 pm. The boys were content to watch cartoons but Dylan heard Danny making a little noise. Dylan turned around to see Danny rubbing his eye with one hand and his bunny was still in the other. He didn't look to happy to be awake at that moment but he had only just woken up. "Come here little bro," Dylan says, opening his arms to his little brother. Danny slides off the sofa and walks over to his brother and is cuddled. He hadn't noticed Matt was there as he was laying his head on his brother's shoulder.

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