Too ill to teach - J3T X DM - CS X JD

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Based off To Love a Teacher and all events happen before Danny starts dating George, but the feelings are there. Side of JD x CS.

Danny p.o.v

I roll over in bed after the third coughing fit this morning. It's safe to say I am sick, but I am determined to go to work in a few hours' time. It is now roughly five in the morning. Maybe I should text in sick, but then it would mean arranging cover work and ain't nobody got time for that right now. I don't even know what to do in these situations since I am still kinda new to teaching and stuff. I roll out of bed and trudge into the kitchen to make some coffee and maybe try make some toast. I don't know if I will be able to keep it down though because my stomach is not too good right now and I vaguely remember being in the bathroom for a few hours last night. People are not gonna be happy with my decision to go in to work while sick.

I don't feel that bad though, just have a cough and probably a low-grade fever. I have been sick but, in my mind, based on what I have been through I just suck it up and go to school sick. I mean I did it for my entire life up to now so why stop? I am probably driving myself to an early grave, but it didn't really bother me that much. Jorel and the rest of my small friendship circle wasn't going to be happy with me. They want me to take care of myself and rest as much as possible when these things happen, and I know that they are going to come over tonight. I might cancel it because I am sick, but then again, I don't want to be on my own in this house when Grace is only next door and by the end of the school day she will know I am sick.

I curl up on the couch and snuggle under a throw blanket while watching some random show. I had my coffee next to me and I was occasionally sipping on it. Then I heard a knock on the door and looked at the clock, it is half six in the morning now. I wonder who is on the other side. I slowly get up and make my way to the door. I open it and see Dylan on the other side. He was very cheery for the time in the morning that it is. "Morning Dylan, what's up?" I ask him, he was surprised that I was already awake at this time in the morning. Usually he knocks, then waits a little while before using the spare key I gave him to come in and wake me up himself since I don't wake up to very much once I am asleep.

"Morning Danny, I was just coming to see if you wanted to come to Dunkin Donuts with us before we all go to work. Are you feeling okay?" he asks me, and he puts his hand on my forehead when he walks in. I was up for Dunkin Donuts, I have kept the toast down so far and if I need to be sick in school I can excuse myself to a staff bathroom. "It's been a rough night, but I feel fine now. I don't mind joining you guys for an iced coffee and a donut," I tell him, I was being honest with him too. I genuinely feel find right now and I did have a rough night. He hugs me, I don't have a fever right now which is good. "Alright Danny, just let me know if you want picking up early from work today. I know you feel fine now, but that could change," he tells me.

I was happy that he was considering me like that. "I will Dylan don't worry. I know that it could change throughout the day and although I feel fine now I don't know if I will be saying this in a little while," I tell him. I hugged him back and got ready for the day. He told me we could come back to get my stuff for work after we go to Dunkin Donuts. I got into the car, feeling a bit rougher than before but I was not about to tell Dylan that. He would force me to stay at home if he could and I know he has the means to do so. I just don't feel comfortable taking a day off when I don't know what to do to take a day off. "You still up for us coming over tonight? We can cancel if you still feel shitty later?" Dylan asks me as we get to the donut place.

"I'm still okay with it, even if I still feel shitty or feel worse later. I wouldn't mind the company and people to ward off you know who," I say and Dylan chuckles. We get out the car and walk into the place to meet the couple. "I swear you make her sound like Voldemort sometimes Danny," Dylan tells me as we find the couple in the booth. "Well, in my defence she does have a weird obsession with me. I don't really fancy suffering a whole school day being mother hen by her only for it to continue when I get home," I tell him, making a fair point. I want to rest as much as possible tonight. "Grace gonna bother you again Danny?" Jorel asks when I join them at the table. Dylan walked to the counter to make our orders.

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