A kiss won't make this better DM X CS

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Hey guys I had this idea for a while but I wasn't sure which pairing to pick for it until the friend that made the fire one shot with me suggested that I did another Danny X Charlie one and make one ill so here it is.

I hope you enjoy. love you all


Charlie p.o.v

I notice that Danny has had a pretty nasty cough for the past few weeks. At first I put it down to that fact that he hasn't screamed in a while and he is joining Da Kurlzz during his scream parts in some of the songs we have. However, that was about three weeks ago so I don't think it's that any more. He has also had a few headaches and he hasn't been eating much lately.

Danny and I have been dating since he joined the band and I would say that I know him pretty well by now. I think this is something more serious than a common cold. We currently have a few days off to explore the city we are in so I could take him to a doctor and get him checked out before we have to perform again.

"Morning Danny-bear." I tell him when he walks in to the main living area of the tour bus. My poor little bear doesn't look well at all this morning. He sits next to me and buries his head into my shoulder a little. "Morning Charlie." He says before going into one of the many coughing fits he will probably have today. I rub little circles into his back until the coughing stops.

"Danny I think you need to go to the doctors." I tell him. He doesn't answer for a moment. "Yeah, I think I do." he tells me. I get him to let me go so I can get up. "how are you feeling this morning?" I ask him while I make a cup of tea with honey in it for him. Management had a list of numbers that we could call if we needed, one was a doctor's surgery.

"My head hurts a bit, my chest hurts, I've been more tired than normal and I'm not that hungry." he tells me. "okay baby drink the tea when it has cooled a little more and I'll get you an appointment with the doctor for today." I tell him placing the steaming mug in front of him. He sounds like he is wheezing a little bit today as well.

I grab the list of numbers and find the doctors one. I get my phone from my pocket and call the number. "Hello this is the doctor's surgery how may I help?" the receptionist answers. "Hi, I would like to book an appointment for Daniel Murillo." I tell her. I hear her typing away on the computer. "Yeah that's fine, will eleven thirty be a good time for you?" she asks me. I look at the clock; it is currently nine o'clock. "Yeah that is a great time." I tell her. I hear her type some more. "Okay see you later." she says. "See you later," I tell her and then hang up

"We have an appointment for eleven thirty." I tell Danny when I get back to my seat next to him. He has drunk a little bit of the tea. However, I think he wants cuddles more as he rests his head on my shoulder again and I wrap my arm around him. "I don't want to be sick any more Jordon." he tells me.

"I know bear, I promise that when we go to the doctors they will find out what's wrong and make you better." I tell him and I kiss his forehead. Jack, one of the many members of the crew that helps us out on tour walks in and sees us cuddling. "Danny still not well?" he asks me as Danny has closed his eyes. "Yeah, I'm taking him to the doctors in a little bit." I reply. Jack ruffles Danny's hair. "Well I hope he gets better soon." he says. "Thanks dude, I'm sure he will." I say.

Then Alex, one of the tour managers walks in. "You got Danny an appointment yet?" he asks me. "Yeah it is for eleven thirty today," I reply, I look to Danny who seems to have fallen asleep in the short time I have been talking to Jack. "That's good, I'll take you two considering neither of you know where it is." he says. "Cheers Alex." I say.

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