Falling for you DM x J3T

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I mentioned this in my paradise lost update, but I am sorry for my absence. I was busy with work and honesty didn't have the time I used to be able to dedicate to writing so I hope now I am on summer break to sort of get back to regular posting.

I am working on the requests with my sister Jess so don't worry they will happen eventually. You can still leave me some though.

This is an AU btw and enjoy


2000 – Danny 14 – Jorel 15 – George 18 – Dylan 13 – Jordon 14 – Matt 17 –

Danny's p.o.v

"Are you sure they will take him in? You know what they can be like with teens," the care home worker asks my case worker. They are both unaware I can hear every word they tell each other. "Of course they will. This family have two teens of their own slightly older than Danny is," my case worker says. She is always optimistic that the placements they put me on work and so far nothing has happened. She says part of the reason behind it is that not all foster families she has seen have been trying hard enough to get me to trust them, especially after I turned thirteen. She hates that they all like the babies and younger children more than the teens who need just as much love and support as the littles.

My name is Danny and I am 14 years old. I was taken from my biological family when I was ten years old and I have not been told why. They said conditions at home were too bad for me to stay there but I barely remember anything. Since then I have been passed from foster placement to foster placement while my parents battle for me in court. The case worker told me that it was likely to end up with me going into an adoption. They say bad things happen when I am with my parents, but I still never remember. They mention drugs and physical and emotional abuse whenever I see them. It's the main reason now I can't go to their house. I have to see them in a supervised setting. They trick the team into getting it back to the point where they have changed and eventually it breaks down is something I have heard.

My case worker is desperate for the judge to make the decision to get me adopted. Away from the care system which she says is damaging me just as much as being back with my parents keeps doing. She thinks the judge will make his decision when I finish my next placement or just before. I wish I had as much hope as she does. "For the kids' sake I hope you are right. He's leaving tonight, isn't he?" the care home worker asks. I like that they are talking about it in front of my door so I can be prepared. I hate that they are talking about me behind my back though. "Yeah, I am going to talk to him a little bit about the family before I take him there. They know as much as my boss will let them know about him. I wish they could know more so they could help him more," the case worker says.

I tune them out, trying to make it look like I wasn't listening in to the conversation that was happening right outside my bedroom door. She hates it when she knows I have eavesdropped. Not that I can help it when they are that close. "Hey Danny, how are you feeling today?" she asks me, when she knocks and walks in. I shrug, I am not sure how I am supposed to feel. I know I am nervous about the new placement. I always am because I don't know what to expect when I get there. They might dislike me from the get-go, and I am not sure I want to be dealing with that. I could be making assumptions here though. "I know it is going to be hard for you to adjust once again but I will be here for you if you need me," she tells me.

I am grateful that she will support me through this. It would be a little bit weird to message my case worker, but she says she has my best interests at heart. "Yeah, I just don't like the fact that another family knows what I have been through again. I don't even remember what happened to me," I tell her, because she has been consistently involved in my care since I was 10 I trust her the most with my feelings. "I am not comfortable either Danny. I know it must be hard for you to have people know what you can't remember, but it will all be over soon enough. You know those gut feelings I get? I have a strong gut feeling this will be your last placement," she tells me. I feel like I can believe her. She hasn't said that to me before.

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