Sticks and Stones DM x J3T

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This is the second of three one shots that I planned to explain some of the little storylines that happened or got mentioned in To Love a Teacher. It is not necessary to read all of TLAT to understand this one shot but if you would like to just search for it on my profile and it will be there.

On a side note, who is loving V so far? I know I am. We Own the Night came out just as I started writing this and I freaking love it already like I do all of the songs which have come out so far.


Danny p.o.v

I am currently waiting for Jorel to come and pick me up from the emergency department in the UCLA Medical centre. I don't remember exactly what happened but according to Grace who phoned the paramedics on me I got to the top of the stairs and then fainted and fell back down and landed on my left arm which has resulted in a nasty fracture. I can't write anymore but I am still going to go to school and get the students to help me or something. Most of my lesson plans for tomorrow and next week have been written up and have power point presentations for anyway so I could easily use those and just give handouts for the students if I need to. "Danny, how are you feeling now? I got two different calls saying two different things about what happened," Jorel says when the doctor told him which bay I was in. I wasn't allowed to go home until they had someone to come and look after me for a few days as well as drive me home tonight.

"I have no idea, I mean at least I am not in pain right now but I don't remember getting home or anything related to how I hurt myself. Grace does tend to exaggerate things sometimes," I tell him and he comes to sit next to me and rubs the bright yellow fall risk bracelet on my wrist. So, whatever actually happened did involve me and at least a flight of stairs or some kind of fall. "Yeah, the doctor was telling me it was more like you were attacked on the top of the stairs instead of fainting. He said you have a slight concussion from a blow to the head and the CCTV showed some shady mother fucker following you," Jorel explains so it was more like I was knocked out and then fell down the flights of stairs to my apartment. That makes more sense to me.

"I don't really care what happened any more, I just wanna go home now. I have to go to work in the morning and I know I have to wear this bracelet for a few days," I tell him and he just pulled me into a hug. "I know Danny and I think they said they'd let you leave in half an hour. I'm gonna stay with you and Dylan might do a day as well. I only just got here and they want to do more observations on you before they let you leave," Jorel says and I sigh, I seem to have spent half of my life in and out hospitals and today was going to be no exception. It is like nine o'clock in the evening so time wise it isn't that bad. I have had to stay until half eleven at night before because the ER was so busy and I wasn't as high priority as most of the other patients that arrived that day.

"I'm just texting Dylan and Jordon to let them know where I am and that I am staying at yours tonight. I am not too happy to take you to work tomorrow but I gotta do some rehearsals for tour so I kinda don't have a choice. You'll be safe in school right?" he asks me and I nodded. I was feeling fine now, just tired and I was just waiting to go home. "Yeah, Grace would probably have told the principal her version of what happened tonight and they'll all be checking on me throughout the day. I won't be able to be on my own especially since I'll have this fall bracelet on and they'll see it. It's casual Friday tomorrow," I tell him. I can't get any form of long sleeve t-shirt on over this unless I borrow some of someone else's clothes because all my long sleeve t-shirts are tight on me.

"Yeah but by Monday you won't need it anymore which will be fine and if they ask just say you fell down the stairs cause you tripped on your laces, you don't have to say you were attacked or say anything to make them think Grace was telling the truth," Jorel tells me and then he passed me a bottle of cherry Tango from his bag. "I'll open it in a second for you. I just bought it for you when I heard from Grace that you collapsed because I was guessing that you needed some sugar in you," he tells me and my eyes lit up. I love Tango so to get some from Jorel was like it was Christmas for me. I did feel a little embarrassed that he had to open the drink for me but then again this is going to happen for the next 6 to 8 weeks so I better start getting used to it. Jorel took the bottle from me so he could open it for me and then handed it straight back so I could take a big swig from it. I nearly drank half the bottle in one go.

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