Life Saver DM x J3T

305 14 6

AUDanny p.o.v

"Let's see what happens tonight then," I tell George, my partner as part of the California Ambulance service. I have been working with George for the last four years now and I couldn't imagine myself being with anyone else. I went to a little café downtown to get dinner before I left because I knew that it was going to be a long twelve-hour shift. Especially as it gets closer to weekends or paydays, that's when we get the busiest and especially when the bars close very early in the morning. We get a lot of calls about people drinking too much and starting fights with each other. "Yeah, let the craziness begin," he tells me. We walk into the control room to get the keys for the ambulance we will drive tonight. We also need to get out bags which have the medication we might need to give patients since we never store them on the ambulance for safety reasons.

"At least it is only Thursday night going into Friday. I bet tomorrow will be worse for us. It is going to be a lot worse when the weekend starts," George says, and I smile at him. It would be a few elderly people falling over and stuff like that. We get out bags sorted in the ambulance and then hop into the front seat so that we can get our first job of the night. George is going to be spending the night driving for me. I am going to be in the passenger seat, so I could go to the patients and then stay in the back with them as we take them to the hospital if necessary. Not every case we will go to tonight will end in a trip to the nearest emergency room. I know we may get a few regulars who don't really need us, but they repeatedly try calling us anyway.

"First job of the night is here, let's get ready to roll," George says as he watches that we are being asked to go out to a call. I pressed the button and gave our code so that we could take a job. "Got Lindsey on the phone again, she says she needs us because she claims she had a fall and hit her head," the phone operator tells us, and we look to each other before rolling our eyes. It is always something along those lines with her. She will always make up some ailment so that we could go and visit her even though she doesn't need it. "Okay, we'll head over there and see if it is genuine or not. We could never be too certain with her," I tell the dispatcher. We always have to attend even if they are prolific liars because you never know when they might be telling the truth. We have our suspicions, but we can't live our lives based on assumptions.

"Blues and twos or nah?" I ask George and he smiles at me. "Let's go all out, I'll get a kick out of it. I like watching all the cars try and get out of our way and yelling at them when they don't," he tells me, and I just look at him while I am shaking my head. He's the only person that I know that enjoys road rage. I didn't really feel like giving Lindsey another lecture on wasting our time so if that does happen I am going to leave it up to George. She always kicks off and goes to attack you whenever you mention the words "wasting our time". That's why we can't attend the calls from her anymore without at least two policemen present. We are dealing with more and more people with mental health issues that we really don't have the resources for.

"I'm still mentally scarred from the last time we went," I tell George as I turn the sirens on and make sure the lights are flashing. I was also physically scarred from that night, but I don't like to talk about it often because it is weird to say that a little old lady pulled a knife out on me and got me quite deep in the wrist that I needed to get medical attention myself. "Yeah, I don't think anyone is going to forget the time when she stripped and then attacked you. I hope the cops know what they are in for tonight," George says, then we get a call through the radio where the dispatcher just reminds us to stay in the vehicle until we know the police have arrived if we get there before they do. I wonder what the neighbours think, she gets at least 3 ambulances a day now because of our duty of care and she plays the system well.

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