Zoo Keepers DM x JD

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Hey guys, this is a sequel to Lion Keepers, so you might want to read that one first. It will give a little more background to the guys and how they got together.


Danny p.o.v

I hate getting up in the morning and leaving Jorel behind as I go to work. For the last five weeks he has been on tour though with his band and I do miss him a lot. He's coming back in one week hopefully. It's five in the morning and I have to get up like usual to go to work in the zoo for the day. I don't know how much longer I am going to work here though, people have been coming up to me and getting quite nasty over the fact that I am dating Jorel and that has gone public. People don't accept us because they think that he should be dating Vanessa like he used too, and I should be dating a woman. Jorel and I have been happy since the day he asked us out and our jobs fit perfectly even though they are quite different from each other.

I was walking through to the kitchen when my phone buzzed with a text message. I was in the middle of pouring cereal into my bowl and making a cup of coffee so I didn't get to read it for about five or so minutes. I was halfway through my cereal when I finally was able to read the text message Jorel had sent me. I smiled instantly, wherever he is in the world he always makes an alarm for when it's five in the morning for me and sends me a paragraph or two about how much he loves me, and he wishes that I have a good day. I love the little things like this, just the simple things that show me that he still loves me, and he still cares about me no matter how many miles away from me he is. I love sending him messages back.

Jorel: Hey my bear, I just wanted to send a message to you saying good morning. You are the cutest and hottest little zoo keeper that I have ever met, and I am happy that you are my boyfriend. I hope that you have a good day and you remember that I love you. I can't wait to be back home in your arms at this time in the morning even if you do have to leave earlier than I do in the morning.

Me: Hey boo, good morning. I think that you are the hottest guitar player/ rapper I have ever met. I hope that you have a good day as well and the concert is fun tonight. I love you too and I can't wait until you are home with me.

I smiled and finished my breakfast before doing some dishes I might have left the night before. I had to get into my uniform before leaving the house this time. I keep leaving it until I get to work because I wake up later than I am supposed to. Luckily Chris understands how I feel with Jorel being gone and he is a bit more lenient then most supervisors. He lets me off as long as I don't do it quite often and I do turn up in my uniform. I rub my face just after I get into my pickup truck. I am not ready to face the day yet. Maybe this job is more suited to a morning person. Chris knows I have a desire to leave at some point, but I am probably going to wait until Simba leaves. Simba is going to be leaving soon to go to a new zoo to help with the breeding programme.

Chris said if I was going to leave then that was going to be the best time to do it. He didn't want me to leave completely and to be honest neither did I, I am going into it part time. My shifts will fit around my music career schedule. Everyone was fine with me doing this and I was happy to consider my zoo keeping career as one I can fall back on when I need it. I walk into the office feeling happier even though I still deeply miss Jorel. "Still missing your boo Danny?" Chris asks me when he sees me. I was trying to be happy for people. "Yeah, he should be coming back this time next week though hopefully," I reply. I could not wait until next Friday morning when I can wake up with Jorel next to me and everything being okay.

I go to see Simba just to spend more time with him before he leaves for the new zoo. He enjoys spending time with me and we do this every morning I am there, and he doesn't like it when I am not in for whatever really. He's so happy to see me and stands on his hind legs to greet me when he hears me talking to Chris on our way to see him. "Hey Simba," I tell him when I see the lion. He was so happy to see me, and I walked into his room and watched as he happily licked my face. I rubbed his mane once he had stopped licking me and Chris smiled at our interaction. He loves seeing me spending time with Simba like this.

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