First Christmas DM X J3T

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I think by now you guys know my main pairings are Danny with one of the other members.I will be writing other pairings soon but for now, I already have most of these written down so I feel like I should be updating these first then the ones where I have to start from scratch...

This one is set in 2014 and I think I wrote this one way before I wrote the others, but I didn't remember I had it until now.

And as it is the Christmas season why not have a festive one shot... this one is slight AU btw

Also, I got noticed by J3T on Instagram this week and Theresa liked a picture as well. I might have screamed.

Happy Christmas!!!!


Danny p.o.v

I watch Scarlett and Ava play together nicely. They love being sisters from the moment they found out. They didn't care that their dads were marrying each other. George is putting up the Christmas decorations around the house. I am sitting on the armchair with Louie on my lap, watching my husband go around our living room making it look more festive and put all the decorations on the tree.

I look to the countdown on my wall, Christmas eve. We sure left decorating late this year. Might have been because we have been too busy getting our house redecorated as Ava and George only just moved in even though we have been married for six months now. It had something to do with Asia not wanting her daughter to live somewhere else but eventually she caved.

I have never really celebrated Christmas as my parents never cared and Theresa always had Scarlett this time of year. "Danny, are excited for Christmas?" George asks me. "Not sure, never really celebrated it," I mumbled. He still heard me. "Why didn't you?" he asks quietly. "Parents never cared and Theresa had Scarlett," I reply just as quietly.

"Well, I will make sure that your first Christmas is amazing," He says, hugging me tightly before continuing with the decorating. He is at the point where the angel or the star would be placed on the top of the tree. Traditions would have the parent hold the child up to the tree so he or she could put it on top.
George walks up to me with the angel in his hands. " you can put this on the top." He tells me. I look at our 6ft tree, there is no way I can reach the top. " I'm too short," I tell him. He lifts me up high enough that I can now get to the top. I place the Angel on the top and Scarlett and Ava cheer.

George puts me down and I kiss his cheek. I scoop both girls into my arms and kiss them. George gets our phones and takes several pictures of me with them. I allow him to put one on my Instagram.
Danny_rose_murillo: my two little angels. I love them to pieces. #lovethemangels

"Papa, can we make cookies?"Ava asks me." Yeah, I don't see why not." I reply and carry them both into the kitchen which they found funny. I put them down on the chairs and George puts daddy's little helper aprons on them. They look so adorable in them, I should bake with them more often.

I grab the ingredients and George grabs all the equipment we will need and the recipe book I had hidden in one of the cupboards thinking that I won't use it ever. "I didn't realise you had a baking cookbook, Danny," George says as he puts the items down and looks at the book. "I was given it years ago and thought that I would never use it so I put it away and forgotten about it," I tell him.

We didn't have any festive cookie cutters in the house so George decided he was going to go and get some from the shops. I know it won't take him long and it could take us a while to mix everything together. "can we make gingerbread too please daddy?" Scarlett asks me as she looks through the book George left on the table. "Let me check if we have the ingredients," I tell her.

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