Stormy Nights DM x FM

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Hello everyone, I am bringing you guys a cute little fluffy one shot because I can.



Danny p.o.v

I usually don't mind the different types of weather but there is one type of weather which I can't stand. Thunderstorms, I hate thunderstorms with a burning passion. I am more terrified of them then I dislike them. I haven't told the guys about my fear because they will call me a pussy for it. It is night time at the moment and there is a raging thunderstorm going on outside. I was shaking in my bunk and luckily the rest of the guys are sleeping or out partying, so they aren't going to see my shaking. George wasn't feeling too well so, he was sleeping and Jorel had caught the sickness, so he was also sleeping. Jordon and Dylan were off partying. Matt left the band not too long ago so unfortunately, he isn't here.

Not that Matt would really help me out here either, I think he helped out once but later said he only did it to shut me up because of how loud I was crying because of how scared I had gotten, and he wanted sleep. I am dating Dylan and I have never told him of this fear because I was scared of him calling me a pussy like Matt did the morning after he "helped" me. This did taint my friendship with him for the rest of the time that he was in the band, but it wasn't the reason why he left because we were still good friends. I did give him a good telling off for calling me a pussy when I know about his fears and didn't call him a pussy for them, so he apologised for his behaviour. That's how we stayed good friends. I don't think I would have been able to keep that friendship up otherwise.

Another clap of thunder had me jump and distracted me from my thoughts. I was good at keeping quiet in case someone found out, but I was still shaking underneath my blanket. Unfortunately for me George had woken up because he had the urge to purge so when he came back he checked on Jorel and made sure that the younger (to him) male was okay and then he checked on me. I couldn't hide the shivering because he had already seen it when he looked at me. "Oh Danny, you've got sick now too," he says, making assumptions but I wasn't about to correct him. I was coming down with the sickness going around, but I didn't feel it at that moment. "Sorry for waking you," I say even though I know he was going to be awake anyway.

"Don't be silly Danny, now budge up. I'll cuddle you for a little bit and the shivering will go," he says, and he had a hand on my forehead to see if I had a fever, but he was kinda warm himself, so the results wouldn't have been accurate. I shuffled up and George lay next to me under the blanket that I had, and he was rubbing my arm. The thunderstorm was coming closer, so I kept hearing thunder more often, but I was being a little calmer about it now that George was looking after me. I was not as afraid of thunder when someone was with me like this, but when I am on my own I am a mess. I snuggled up to George and slowly the shivering started to stop. He was smiling at me and I managed a weak one back before I had a little coughing fit. "Dylan's going to look after you tomorrow I bet. He will be so mad he wasn't here right now," George tells me, maybe I was getting sick at the same time as this damn storm.

"Yeah, I guess I kinda knew before they went out that I was getting sick, but I want him to party a little bit," I tell George, convincing him even more that I was sick, and I probably was. I had stopped shivering now and I was putting all my effort into not jumping with each clap of thunder and I could even hear the lighting strike a few trees in the field nearby. "You're really sweet Danny. He wouldn't mind missing a couple of nights of partying to look after you. Don't forget he can party when you feel better, it's not like you're asking him to stop partying forever," George tells me, helping me out like always. I was nice and comfortable in his arms, but not comfortable enough to sleep. The thunderstorm will keep me up and I am going to pretend to sleep when George goes back to bed. It will be more believable now I am not shaking.

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