The Loss DM x JD

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Okay so this one shot is gonna be based on personal experiences but not completely. Not everything I write in this one shot is what happened with me but it is loosely what happened and it might make the one shot a bit more sad than other ones I have done in the past but this is all I feel like writing tonight at least. To Love a Teacher is finishing this month and on the 11th of March my dad died.


Danny p.o.v

I feel numb as a nurse put their hand on my back and led me back to the staff room where they put us before. He can't be gone, he was my hero and he wasn't supposed to leave yet. I can vaguely hear my mom talking to a nurse who wanted us to get hot drinks to get over the shock. I was crying, my brothers and sister were crying and my mom was crying. We were handed tissues and Rigo decided he was going to wipe the tears off my face. "It's gonna be okay Danny. I promise," Rigo tells me and pulls me into a hug as I sob on his shoulder. The nurse left the room as my mom pulled my other brother and sister into a hug and tried to stop them crying. They let us into the room as they tried to save him and then they had to call time on it.

The nurse came back with hot chocolate for all of us and left mine and Rigo's on the table next to us. Rigo was rubbing my back and held me as close to him as he was able to. They knew that Rigo and I were close to dad and he would be very sorely missed by everyone. I wasn't expecting them to let us into the room while the tried to save his life but I am glad that they did. It was a bit of closure knowing that they did everything that they could possibly do to save his life but sadly it didn't work. "How's Danny doing?" my mom asks Rigo once she got Lisa Marie and Kyle to start drinking their hot chocolates. "He's still crying and in shock mom," Rigo answers. I could feel mom's hand on my back and she was also rubbing my back.

"He will be this was very sudden. I'll try calming him down, you drink your hot chocolate Rigo," she tells him. I felt Rigo reluctantly relax his arms, allowing mom to turn me around and pull me into a tight hug. "Come on little man, calm down. I know it hurts but we are going to be okay," Mom tells me. She was rubbing my back and trying to get me to stop sobbing. I finally started to take deep breaths and calmed down for the moment. They said something about us being able to see him one last time once they got him ready for us. I'm not sure I want to see him for the last time. Mom held the drink cup to my lips and made me drink from it. "You'll feel better in a minute Hun, when you have some sugar in you," she tells me.

I was supposed to be meeting up with the guys tonight to have some fun when and take a little bit of a break from work but it is clear that I won't be attending tonight. I'll probably text one of them later to explain my absence but right now I don't even what I want to look at my phone. My mom ruffled my hair and gave me a sad smile as she made me finish the drink. "Good boy Danny, do you feel a little better?" she asks me once she puts the drink cup down again and it was empty. "A little bit," I tell her, giving her a weak smile after it. Lisa came over and hugged me and she kissed the top of my head. "We're strong, we'll get through this won't we Dan?" she says and I nod. Then the nurse came in. It is time to say the last goodbye.

"Mom, I don't know if I want to do this," I tell her as she holds my hand tightly as we are lead to a room nearby where they have put him for us to see him before they move him down to the morgue where we would only be able to see him if we asked. "I know sweetheart, you can always leave if it gets too much," mom tells me and Rigo takes my other hand. "We all have each other's back if one leaves they won't be on their own," he says and we all nod. That was something I could easily agree too. I was probably going to be the first one to leave the room as well, this is all too much for me to take in right now. We had left him an hour before the call and he was doing okay ish. Now he is gone and there is nothing that anyone can do to bring him back.

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