Hope | DM x FM |

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Another request from OHGV. Feel free to either message me or leave a comment with your own request with the pairing you want and what you would like to see (I won't accept smut, daddy kinks or stuff like that)

AU - December


Dylan p.o.v

I'm sure something is wrong with Danny, but I can't quite put my finger on exactly what it is that is wrong with the poor guy. He is always here super early, and he always leaves after everyone else. Today has been the only exception to that as he walked in an hour late shaking like he was on the north pole or something. It snowed last night, so it's pretty cold outside this morning. "Are you okay Danny?" I ask him, as he plonks himself down next to me like he always does. He shakes his head and I wrap my arm around him before rubbing his to generate friction. I didn't want to flinch at how icy cold he felt. George got up to go get something and I tried to focus on warming my older friend up. "What's up Dyl?" Jorel asks, they were all worried about how cold Danny is today.

"Feel how cold his skin is," I tell him, Danny was barely focusing at this point and I was getting really worried for his health. This is starting to be more and more like he has hypothermia somehow. I am not sure how someone would get it unless they were out in this weather without a coat on for ages. Jorel puts his hand on Danny's forehead and keeps it there. "Yeah, that's pretty cold. Might be hypothermia or something. Let's get a thermometer and check," Jorel says, and Jordon looks up hypothermia on his phone. He shows me what they say to do, and I stop rubbing Danny's arm. It's doing more harm than good right now. George comes back with a blanket and thermometer for us. I thought he would have gotten a hot drink but Danny's not really coherent enough to drink right now and that would be dangerous.

George explains what he is going to do with Danny in hopes that if the other man becomes more alert then he won't be scared. "How the fuck has he gotten this cold? I thought you only got hypothermia if you were exposed to the cold for ages," Matt asks, when George read what Danny's current temperature was it confirmed our suspicions and means that Danny will be taking a trip to ER with me to get warmed up. "It's something we are gonna have to ask Danny when he wakes up and everything is alright again," Jordon says, he's right there is no use wondering how Danny got into this position. We have to ask him when he feels better, and we can sort it out then. Right now if we waste too much more time then he will get even worse and possibly die.

George carries Danny to his car. I have failed to mention that Danny and I have only just started Danny in the last 6 months, but the guys know that anyway which is why George is allowing me with him and making sure that I stay calm as well. As we have only been dating for six months neither of us feel that it would be right to move in with each other or anything as the relationship is still new and could still go wrong for both of us. "He's gonna be okay Dylan, I know he will," he tells me. I know they will make him better, I'm just worried now while he is unconscious in my arms. I kiss the top of his head and hope that Danny knows I still love him. We arrive in little to no time and George goes up to the desk to explain while I sit nearby with Danny in my arms. I check his breathing like I am supposed to and it's good for now.

They see Danny pretty quickly considering that Danny is pretty unwell at the moment and hypothermia is considered to be a medical emergency. They get him sorted out and on the road to recovery so all we can do now is wait until his body temperature goes back to a safe level. George is going to keep the rest of the guys updated who have volunteered to stay behind and do some work on the next album and explain why half of the band are not there now. I can't hold Danny's hand while they try and warm him up, so I can play with his hair instead. He prefers that more regardless, he feels calmer when I play with his hair. George rubs my shoulder and I look at him with a smile. They are currently trying a combination of warm fluids through his IV and humidified oxygen through a nasal canula because his hypothermia is quite bad.

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