I'm a survivor J3T X DM

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Trigger warning

This is different to most of the one shots that I have done before so please be kind when you leave a comment.


George p.o.v

"Danny stay with me please," I beg, my husband hasn't been feeling well for a while now, but I thought a couple of days ago he was starting to get better. Then I quickly changed my mind when he collapsed in the kitchen. I immediately knew something wasn't right so I called the paramedics and they took him away. They let me go in the ambulance with him but after that they told me to wait until the doctor called me in. They said they had a lot of tests to run to try and figure out what is wrong with him and it's going to take a while. I want to be with him and support him, but I can't and it's stressing me out. He's going to panic so much when he wakes up and they are running tests on him and I'm nowhere to be seen.

Then a doctor came out and the paramedic pointed him in my direction. He walked over with a clipboard. "I understand that Daniel Murgan is your husband?" he asks me and I nod, for a moment I lost all ability to speak. "I understand this is a worrying time for you, but I can assure you that we will do all that we can to find out what is wrong with your husband and make him better again," the doctor tells me, then he asks me general questions on what I have noticed about my husband's general health leading up to today's mystery collapse. I tried to be as honest as I can. He said that it was alright that I was worried about him consider Danny has been ill for over a month now and we had no idea what was causing it.

Jorel knows that Danny has been and so do the others because it has had an effect on our rehearsals for the upcoming tour. Danny would start off and he would be full of energy but he wouldn't be able to continue after lunch and he would end up falling asleep on the stage for an hour or two. I decide to call Jorel to let him know what's going on since he was with the others today and we were supposed to be going in a little while because I had told them that Danny was feeling better, well at the time I told them he was genuinely feeling better but I can't say he is now. He picked up after two rings like he was expecting me to call him or something.

J: You know, we would have accepted if you told us Danny is still ill.

Me: He was fine until about twenty minutes ago, honestly. He had perked up to his usual self and he had more energy than before.

J: What happened then, you should have been here like ten minutes ago.

Me: I don't know, he suddenly went pale when we were talking in the kitchen and then all of a sudden he collapsed onto the floor and I had to call 911. I am scared I'm going to lose him Jorel.

J: I know and I am sorry if I sound snappy, we just want to know what's wrong with him as much as you do.

Me: It's okay Jorel, I know we are all frustrated at this point. He's annoyed that he's been so ill and the doctors haven't been able to give him an answer that he needs. They won't let me see him yet either, they are still doing tests on him.

J: Aw George, want me to come up and stay with you two? Hopefully now if they do a full head to toe check on Danny they will find what's wrong.

Me: If you wouldn't mind Jay, I feel like if they do tell me what's wrong then it's going to be something major.

J: I'll be on my way in a minute. The others say they'll come over when we know more. We will all get through this together.

Me: Thank you Jorel. I hope we can figure out what's wrong. I'll see you in a bit.

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