There's a voice inside my head DM x TP

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TW for those who may be affected by the content.


Deuce p.o.v

14th February 2013

Dear diary,

I didn't have the time to get a present for Danny this year. Valentine's day snuck up on me again. It always does. I let Danny chose what he wants on my laptop even though he never asks for anything from me. He is so sweet, and I am lucky to have him in my life. In 2015 we will have been together for ten years. Ten years with the love of my life doesn't seem like very long anymore. He's currently fast asleep by my side as I have gotten up quite early again. He looks so peaceful and I don't want to disturb him. He's dreaming about something nice, I can see his eyes moving underneath his eyelids while he sleeps. Everything about him is so perfect and I don't want to ruin anything that I have with him. He is too precious to loose.

The band I used to be part of wasn't too happy when they heard I was still with Danny after they kicked me out of the band and replaced me with him. I was so bitter and angry and them back then for what I thought was wrong. I realise now that they were in the right and I was in the wrong. I could never expect them to keep me as the lead singer when I wouldn't show up to the concerts or the studio time slots on time. Danny is much better suited to being in the band than I am anyways. The guys are happier now, they accept Danny and I and I thank them for it. They can see how happy I make Danny and how happy he makes me. I have stopped writing so much hate filled songs about them now. We are not as close as we used to be, but it is a start at least.

I should really plan better for next year. I know Danny is kind about me forgetting about valentine's day now, but that is not going to last forever. He is going to grow tired of being asked every year to chose something online or from a store for himself because I have been the idiot and forgotten again. The one thing I can remember is the soppy valentine's day posts on social media I do every year. We had a huge couple photo shoot done back in 2009 and I still haven't used all of the pictures from it. I said to the photographer that I wanted as many pictures as they could fit on their memory card and I would pay for it. I know that one day Danny is going to go old and I am going to be old and I have all these pictures from when we were younger to look back on.

Maybe this year I should also just go ahead and buy Danny a new guitar. He has been needing a new one for a while and it could be a belated valentine's day present from me and also a good way to make up for forgetting for the last 7 years of our relationship. Since we started dating in October I can't say we have been together for eight years just yet. I will remember the 15th of October for the rest of my life. The day I asked Danny to be mine and he said yes. I need an equally amazing date for when I ask him to marry me. I am planning on doing it in 2016 or maybe 2015 after our tenth anniversary. I haven't quite made up my mind about it. I need to make it the best day possible though, I want Danny to say yes.

For now though, I will just hold him tightly. Show him every day how much he really means to me. He doesn't deserve any of the harm that I have brought him with the music I have made. If someone asked me who was better in the Danny v Deuce debate I will ALWAYS pick Danny. He is just more musically talented than I am, I can't reach half the notes he can, and I certainly can't scream as well as he can.

I put the diary down, looking at it's battered cover. It has been badly abused by me in the last couple of years of me owning it. It is full of dents and imperfections all over the covers. I never bother locking it, I have it hidden in my drawer in a box. No one ever looks in the box from what I know. Or at least they haven't told me that they have seen it. There are a lot of dark entries in there, things I keep from Danny. Danny worries about my mental health enough as it is, I don't need to give him more of a reason to worry. I browse various guitar selling sites looking for the perfect guitar for my Danny no matter what the cost is. I made the order and closed the lid of the laptop just as Danny woke up. It takes him a couple of minutes to wake up properly, but I didn't want the surprise to be ruined because he saw what it is too soon.

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