Prison Time J3T x DM

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Hey guys, I am doing a few one shots that are a little different. I had this one in my head for most of the week which is why I am writing it all down now instead of the other ones in the list that I have. I will get through my list eventually but right now I just want to make this one.

This is an AU btw...


Danny p.o.v

18th of December 2015

Murillo, Daniel

Men's Central Jail

Los Angeles


Dear George,

How are you doing? I guess I am alright although I can't wait for this to be over. I miss you more and more as the days go by. I just can't wait to be in your arms again. These last few years have been the hardest few years if our life so far. I can't believe we have been going through this whole ordeal as strongly as we have before the incident happened. I often wonder what life would have been like if that day never happened. Maybe I should have started this letter off differently but, honestly, I don't know what to say. I know I messed everything up and I am truly sorry for that. I don't expect you to continue supporting me when this is all over in a couple of weeks' time.

I fully expect you to move on with your life and not want to contact me anymore. I am sorry for everything that has happened and I guess this is why you haven't been writing me back any more. I have forgotten your mobile number so I don't call you anymore. Please let me know if you want to move on from me and you want to start again with someone new. I think I can deal with that now, I am not worthy of the loyalty you have shown me in the last two years George I am really not. You could even go for that guy Charlie that you keep mentioning, he seems like a better guy than me. I don't mean that in a jealous way, I mean it in an honest way. Most of your friends would be better for you than me.

They gave me an I pod yesterday, they said that you went ahead and released Swan Songs with your band and that you wanted me to hear it so they gave it to me. For the first time in a while I cried myself to sleep last night hearing your voice as you perform those songs so well. They won't give me the disc because it could get turned into contraband so they are keeping it with my belongings until I get released. I suppose it's for the best really. I am not in a good place right now and they know it. Not that they care too much about it or me. I am not a name here or a person... just a number made to serve their sentence and then leave. I'll move back in with my mom when I get released in two weeks' time. You won't have to worry about me then.

You don't know how proud I am of you George, even though I know you are a lot older than I am. 4 years does seem like a long time to me now and I hate it. I hate all of this, I just want to be back with you and not have to worry about my next meal being stolen or someone trying to choke me out on a daily basis. The amount of times in the last 3 months alone that I have ended up in the infirmary worries me slightly. One of these days I am not going to be found in time and I can feel it. I guess it could be a lot worse since I am only medium security and not maximum but still some of these people.

Maybe you and Charlie would make a good couple. I bet he won't make the same stupid mistake I did and he won't end up in here. I think he would treat you a lot better and like the king you deserve. He could buy you things I could never afford, take you to those places that you have always dreamed of that I never can. When you talked about him in the last call you spoke of such fondness when you were referring to him and it makes me happy that you can move on from the waste of space which is me. I know technically we are still going out with each other but I am not expecting this to last when I become free.

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