More Than Tour DM x CS

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Back again with another AU – the only thing I am changing is who is datingwho and who the past relationships where


Danny p.o.v - 2009

"I'll be back when tour is over, I promise baby. I'll miss you just as much as you'll miss me," Jordon says. We have been dating for a year now and he has to go with his band on tour again. My band has just gone on hiatus, we weren't enjoying touring, so we decided to stop. I hug Jordon tightly. I don't want him to leave. "I know that, I just hate being alone," I tell him. He hugs me back and we just enjoy the moment. I'm taking him to where to tour bus will be picking them all up. We do our goodbyes now because it gets quite hectic when we actually arrive at the drop off place. I rest my head on his shoulder, making the hug last as long as I can. "I'll face time you every single day," he tells me. It makes me feel a little better.

At least it will be the closest I can get to talking to him face to face while he is on the other side of the country. "I'll hold you to that," I tell him. He's going to be driving to the place and I'll be driving home, alone. Jordon leaves me for a moment to make sure that his suitcase is in the trunk and that he doesn't forget anything. "Gah, I wish I could take you with me the whole tour and not just when we are in LA and Las Vegas," Jordon tells me when he comes back. I smile, if there was a way that I could join him for the entire tour then I honestly would do it. Unfortunately for me there isn't a way and I know that Aron really doesn't like me. Last time we were in the same room he tried to kill me. George found us in time and I was fine afterwards.

I have a scar right below my left collar bone from what Aron did, the other scars on my chest are from the operations I had to have in order to save my life. "I know Jordon, I'd love to be with you for the full tour if I could," I tell him. As far as I know we are getting hotels for both nights I can join, and I'll drive to both of them and then spend the day off afterwards with Jordon before going home again and missing him until the tour is over. I yawned at snuggled into Jordon's waiting arms. The night before tour I always sleep bad because I am anticipating the loneliness which is going to come within a few short hours. "Aw baby, I should make you a body pillow that looks like me for you to snuggle at night while I'm not here," he tells me.

That doesn't sound like a bad idea, I would love a body pillow that at least smelled like Jordon. I don't know how I would feel about one looking like him though. I think that would be a little too creepy for my liking. "Maybe one that smells like you," I tell him. He smiles and spins around with me in his arms. I love all the little things that go on, just the simple mundane boring things. I love the way he holds me, the way we lay together at night and the way he just gives me little reminders that he loves me. I don't care much for the fancy dates and expensive gifts. I'd much rather have a night in with a movie and snacks as long as I get to spend time with my man. He means so much to me and I hope he realises it.

Then I get into the car for the dreaded goodbye journey, I just wish he could stay home. He has to make money somehow though, so I can't be selfish and keep him all to myself. He has to spend time with his friends and have fun too. "Don't worry Danny, I will count down each day of tour until it is the day I can come home to you. I'm lucky this is only an eight-week tour," he says, and I agree. I don't mind the short tours. It doesn't mean I miss him any less, it's just I know that I don't have to wait as long as some of the other tours that he has been on. I know the partners of the other guys feel the same that I do. I am the only man though, George has Asia, Dylan has Anna and Jorel has Vanessa. I feel awkward when I do hang out with the ladies sometimes.

I have to hold back the tears when I see the tour bus ahead. I know this means a temporary goodbye, but it doesn't make it any easier on me or Jordon. I felt Jordon reach for my hand when we stopped the car. "'Cheer up Danny. I am only going to be your boyfriend. I have no interest in anyone else," he tells me. I wasn't really worried about him cheating on me, I know he is loyal and has been since the day he asked me out. He never really goes too overboard with the drinking when he's on tour no matter how much Aron persuades him otherwise. "I know you won't cheat on me Jordon. I have never worried about that," I tell him. He smiles and kisses me on the cheek. I know it's reassuring to know that we won't cheat on each other while we are away.

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