Eyepatch AB x J3T

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Hey HU4LIFEBITCHES so sorry that this one has also taken too long for me to make but I wanted to watch Highway to Havasu in it's entirety so I could see how funny I can make this one shot in case you need something to cheer you up.

Also might be a one sided DM x J3T and a bit of DM x TM... hope ya don't mind.


Asia p.o.v

I don't fucking believe this, I know George is helping Jeff out by doing the two roles in this film but I didn't think it meant this. He has been wearing this damn eye patch ever since he got the role and I am starting to get sick of it now. Danny and Reese were over with Scarlett so she could have a playdate with Ava and George is at the film shoot. "So, he's really been wearing that damn eyepatch for two weeks straight now?" Danny asks me, I know they have a tour coming up so hopefully he will stop wearing it now. "Yeah, every day for at least two weeks now. He even sleeps in it and it is driving me insane," I tell him and he did look pretty shocked at that. "If he even tries that on tour I know at least three people will just straight up deck him, especially if he gets into character as well," Danny says.

"Oh, he always gets into character until I get mad at him for it. I wouldn't mind if he was just learning his lines but he is full on method acting with this role and not the other role he has in the film. It gets old after a few days," I tell them and Theresa gives me a sympathetic pat on the shoulder and probably gives Danny a look that reads don't even think about it. "Don't worry Reese, that's never going to happen," he tells her which made Theresa breathe a sigh of relief. "I'm glad baby but I you know I'd still love you regardless," she says. Then she walks over to Danny and hugs him tightly. Danny hugs her back and it was adorable. "I love you too," he says and Theresa starts blushing.

Then George announced his arrival home by walking into the kitchen in part of his costume he hugged and kissed me and then he did the same to Danny who was in just pure shock afterwards. "Was that necessary?" Danny asks him once he recovers and I just give George the WTF look. "Probably not but it just kinda happened," George says, Danny had gone a bright red colour on his cheeks and Reese had her arms protectively over him. Then George leaves to go and get changed into his regular clothes, hopefully the eyepatch gets left behind as well but this is a thing that I highly doubt. "I have to say though, the gun lighter is pretty cool," Danny says when George comes back with the lighter and the eyepatch was still there.

"If you smoke outside you can use the lighter," George tells Danny and the boys went outside because who can resist that lighter. "Boys and their toys," Theresa says when she watches the boys leave together and I chuckled. "Yeah, I think Jeff is going to have a hard time taking that off George once filming is complete," I tell her and we just make some small talk while we wait for the boys to get back. I enjoyed hearing about stories from the set sometimes. I know he has to do a few night shoots for this as well with the boys which will be a bit strange for me because he will be sleeping through the day and then going away in evening to shoot for the whole night. His character Jonathan is the badass guy who acts high and tough as shit.

His request for the guys to call him Sire Jonathan did lead to us being asked to call him that but it only lasted for one day after he got to sleep on the sofa for two nights in a row. His other character Ronathan is absolutely hilarious for a little while but then then it gets annoying. He keeps lifting the eyepatch up and then putting it down after a minute but at least he doesn't spit chewing gum everywhere. I did like when he took my hand like a true gentleman and kissed up my arm a little bit. I hope to God he doesn't ask to be called Sire Jonathan now that he has used his lighter with Danny. Speaking of the boys they should be back in a minute because they don't take too long to smoke when they do.

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