Love You Better Now DM X TP/DK

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Okay so this was a kind of I had a random idea during the night and decided to roll with it. If you don't like the subjects discussed, then don't read it. I realised that I had lot of one shots with Danny the rest of the guys but I didn't have one with Matt so I figured that was a pairing I needed to write about and this was also the idea I came up with...

Actually I don't need to explain myself to you so if you don't like it then don't read it. It is that simple, go read a one shot with rainbows and glitter everywhere if you want.


19th July 2014

I love him right? I mean we had a lot of date nights together and we always told each other I love you at least once a day. He just couldn't let go of one thing to make our relationship complete. It was my co-workers, he hated them with a red, hot and flaming passion. He always let it get in the way of us having fun and a good time. I hated this about him he couldn't just forget the past and leave it behind.

He was possessive over me, he always needed people to know I belonged to someone. Like how an artist would leave their signatures on a drawing they had done, he would leave a mark on me. It had been going on for five or six years now, it didn't mean I liked it, I had just gotten used to it. There would be days where he was nice to me, those are now few and far between.

My co-workers didn't even know I was dating this guy, why was he so keen on marking me this way? My co-workers didn't like me in that way, yeah they thought I was a cute person but everybody does when they see me. My brown eyes that looked like pools of melted chocolate, the way I'd get all shy if someone complemented me. This was just the way I was, and the reaction of people was to call me cute.

He used to call me cute too, he doesn't now. He rarely has anything nice to say about me. Once in a while he'll look at the progress my job has made and say that I have done well or have done a good job and he'll praise me and treat me nicely. He still hates my co-workers though; he wants to murder them. He'll murder me if I ever told them what he has done to me, that's why I can't leave him, I can't escape this cruel fate.

I write it down in journals and diaries like this, it helps me collect my thoughts, feel like I have told someone even if it is just down on paper. He doesn't know I have this, neither do they. If I told the co-workers, then they'll come and beat him up. If he knew I told anyone then I'd end up in a box six feet under. Yes, he used the stereotypical killing threat on me. It worked, it scares me into silence, I can't tell them.

My name is Daniel Rose Murillo, I am twenty-nine years old and this is my story of how I was domestically abused by Aron Erlichman. My co-workers are the band he used to be in, the members of Hollywood Undead, George Ragan, Dylan Alvarez, Jorel Decker, Jordon Terrell and Matthew Busek. Let's just pray that I can get out of this relationship with Aron before I lose my life.

Danny p.o.v-

I quickly slammed my journal shut as I heard someone enter the room. "What are you doing?" Aron asks me, looking at the journal in my lap. "Nothing important, I was just going through an old journal from high school," I lied, it took him a minute to accept what I said, by then I stuffed it under the bed. I'll put it in it's true hiding place once he has gone. "Okay, I just came to let you know I am going to the studio for a bit, don't do anything stupid," He says walking over to me and pulling me into a kiss. I kissed him back.

He left the room and a minute or two later I heard the front door slam. "You've gone to the studio to get wasted and fuck Yuma again," I mutter under my breath. He rarely did work when he was at the studio, he just went there to get buzzed and fuck nine lives. According to him I was absolutely useless in bed so he went to them because they were better than me. I lift up the loose floorboard and hide my journal there, in its true hiding place.

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