Love my enemy TP X DM

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Yeah I know I messed up, I was supposed to have three one shots up by now but I haven't, and it is my fault. I have been too busy and I stressed myself out trying to get them done within a short space of time and on top of all that my phone completely broke so I haven't done anything but stress so I chose to stop and calm down for a few days but I will update at least once or twice a month.

Anyway let's get this done


This is so wrong I am going to be so dead when I get back to the bus. I didn't mean to meet him, I had no intentions of ever seeing him, it just happened. I needed to get out, have some space and a chance to breathe without all the questions or the teasing. I didn't look where I was going and I bumped into him, falling on my butt. He didn't catch me, but he wasn't nasty to me either so I wasn't going to complain there.

"Hey, I'm sorry for bumping into you, I wasn't looking where I was going," I tell him, managing to get back onto my feet without any problems. He was shorter than me by an inch or two but he was skinnier yet stronger than me. I had heard stories from the others about him, I didn't pay much attention to them though, it wasn't my fight I didn't and still don't know the guy so I couldn't defend either team. "It's okay, tours are stressful so you needed to get away for a moment, happens to the best of us am I right?" he says, his tone just as nasally as I had heard from a few interview clips I had watched.

"Yeah, just need time to try and get your head cleared," I answer, he was being friendly and it made me feel awkward. He wasn't as nasty as the guys said he would be, or he might be playing me. He could be pretending and as I always try to see the good in people it would lead to my downfall, he could try and turn me against the band. He stuck out a hand. "You have probably heard a lot of stuff but I'm Aron," he says. I put my hand in his and shake it. "Yeah a bit, I'm Danny," I tell him.

He leads me to a little coffee shop nearby, I had passed it a couple of times and wanted to go but never had the time until now, it is right around the corner from the bus so I wasn't going to be lost. He orders two hot chocolates, paying for them both. I was getting suspicious and even though he knew it, I tried not to show it. Once we got our order he pointed out a little booth where it was quite secluded, no one could see us easily.

The last thing we wanted was for fans to see us and get pictures. They'd be all over social media and create so much shit for the pair of us. If he wanted to get to know me and be my friend, then I didn't want it spoiled. I also didn't want the guys to find out I was talking to him, they'd probably yell at me, beat me or kick me out, they might even do a combination of those options. Deuce was a hard topic and I knew all of them hated him, they never mentioned him and I hear low growls when he is mentioned by interviewers.

"Thanks Aron and I appreciate all of this don't get me wrong, but why are you doing this?" I ask him, after taking a sip of the hot chocolate which was amazing. "You're welcome Danny, I know you are suspicious but I want to get to know you, it's time to forget the past and move on," he says, drinking his hot chocolate too. "They still hate you though, if they find out I have even seen you I feel like I'm going to be a dead man walking," I tell him, I want to be honest with him, he sounds like he is being genuine.

"I gathered that, I did some pretty stupid stuff but as long as they don't find out until I can get them to at least talk to me without giving me then beat down then you should be fine," he says, while I was drinking. "Wait, you're not using me to get back with them are you?" I ask. He chuckles, "No, I know there is no way back into the band and they are doing better with you than they ever could with me there, I just want us all to get along maybe collaborate in twenty years or something," he says, making me chuckle.

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