Darling I need you DM X J3T

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Hey guys this is another random little idea I came up with while helping Jess with her most recent idea. Some little Murgan fluff for you bitches. I also have some really depressive ideas but I don't know if I should write them up and post them.


George p.o.v

Danny and I have been dating for four years now and we love each other and the tours we do with our band Hollywood Undead. We are currently on a tour and I was sitting on the sofa with Danny sleeping on my lap. "When did he pass out this time?" Jorel asks me and I shrug. "He was asleep when I first woke up this morning, but he was really tired when he came in an hour ago. He snuggled up to me and he passed out pretty much straight away," I tell him. Everything I said was true and Danny has struggled with sleep for a little while now.

"You need to get him to sleep at night now though or he'll be messed up for the rest of the tour and a groggy Danny is a heart breaking one," Jorel tells me. Danny gets really clingy and childlike when he gets really tired; he was starting to act that way this morning when he woke up. When he gets really bad he starts whimpering if I don't snuggle him which is why we call it heart breaking. I think Danny was starting to wake up again because he wriggled a little bit on me, trying to get comfortable.

"Danny stop wriggling, you're like a little worm or something," I tell him and his eyes open. "Sorry George, I just needed to move." He replies and I kiss his cheek, then his nose and finally his lips. He gives me such a delicate kiss, my little fragile butterfly. "It's okay Danny, do you want to sleep some more?" I ask him and he shakes his head. "I slept from one 'til whenever I got up so I'm good this time," he tells me and I smile, he was getting better at this whole sleeping through the night thing.

"That's good because we have sound check in twenty minutes, just making sure all our stuff works before they open the doors," Jorel says, today we play an early evening slot at this festival and they want all sound checks done before they let the people in so they have time to fix everything if they need to. I was annoyed that only one member can play on warped tours out of all of us. As far as we know we are banned from playing but since Danny is in Lorene Drive as well as HU he can still play them. Well that's if they want to.

We go to the bunk room and quickly change into our outfits we will be playing in. We just picked out some casual clothes which hopefully don't reveal how much we sweat when we play a show. Danny picked his black Attila shirt with black shorts since it was quite sunny. I did suggest that he wears a can't stop, won't stop tank top but he didn't pick it. I had one of the three tears co tank tops on and brown shorts. I picked a snapback but Danny just went for natural hair. Our shoes were just our favourite vans which we usually wear on tour since we didn't have a lot of shoe choices.

It was going really well until Danny fell when he tried to stand on the little stage step thingy I remember falling off once. He landed on one of his knees first then went down and curled into a ball. We stopped the sound check and I immediately went to go and check to see what was wrong with him. He was in so much pain I saw tears falling. "What's hurting Danny?" I ask him and I started rubbing his back to calm him down. We were outside so he had some grazes from falling. "Everywhere hurts but my knee is the worst," he tells me and he was about to cry.

"Being curled up isn't going to help you baby, you need to try and sit up for me," I tell him and he does so, very slowly and I felt guilty every time he moved his left leg because I saw in his face how much that was hurting him. The stage manager called for the medics to come over and help us and they were running over as I helped Danny sit up and rest against me. I rubbed his arm and I let him rest his head on my chest since he wasn't tall enough to reach my neck without causing more pain. My little fragile butterfly lion was hurting and it made me feel terrible.

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