Dear Future Husband DM x TM

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Inspired by a tweet I saw from Reese that they knew each other back in 10th grade (15-16 years old). I thought I'd try make a story on what would have happened back then.



Danny p.o.v

"Come on Danny, summer camp isn't going to be that bad. That pretty girl you like is going to be there," Kris says, as we lie down on our backs on my bed. I resist the urge to throw one of my pillows at him. "Yeah I know that, nine to twelve weeks where we all live on a campsite and do things that we could have done back here and then come back for another year of high school. How do you know she's gonna be there anyways?" I tell him. I was half looking forward to it, but at the same time I'd rather spend my summer break here at home. "I overheard her talking to her friends about going to it. Who knows you two might get along really well during this," Kris says, he has been desperate to set me up with Theresa ever since I told him I liked her.

"Have I ever told you how much I regret telling you about that?" I ask him, and he laughs seconds before I throw a pillow at his face. He throws the pillow back at me, but it misses. "Only when I bring it up and then proceed to tease you about it," he replies. I've seen Theresa so many times since we both started high school and my feelings for her haven't changed. I've been admiring her from a distance and one day I will feel brave enough to admit these feelings, maybe not today or any time soon, but it will happen. "Yeah, but you doing that makes it so much worse. It's like oh little Danny has feelings for a girl but is too afraid to say or do anything about it," I tell him. He hugs me, and I hug him back.

"Honestly Danny, I am teasing you for fun. I know that one day I am going to be feeling the same way about a girl and you can tease me for that," he tells me. I am probably going to hold him to that then if he is offering a free way to tease him. My mom is standing in the doorway now which makes me feel incredibly nervous. I never told my mom about the crush I have on Theresa and how reluctant I was to go on this summer camp. I mean I want to go, and I want to have fun, but it has taken me a while to get to this point where I feel confident enough to tell my brain to screw it and then go to the camp enjoy myself. "Kris why don't you raid the cupboards and get some snacks for your movie night," mom tells Kris, and I just want to hide in a corner.

Luckily Kris is hungry, so he accepts it as a go get food not get out of my sons room, so I can have a private chat with him. Mom walks over and sits on the edge of the bed next to me. "So, you have a pretty girl you like?" she asks, and I smile at her. She's the one who has been teaching me about how to treat a lady right, so she might help me get the courage to ask Theresa out. I tell her all about Theresa and when I talk about her all I see is my mom's smile get wider. "Aw, that's what your grandma told me your dad was like when he saw me for the first time. You know how to treat a girl right, all you have to do is find the courage to ask her and see how it goes. The summer camp will be a great time for it too," she tells me.

I like that she's there for me and supportive. I am so glad that the listening I have done has paid off and I know how to treat a lady with the respect she deserves, and I am determined to act like that if I get to date Theresa. "I don't want to mess things up mom, she's really pretty," I tell my mom, revealing a little of the fears I have. She smiles at me and takes my hands in hers. "I don't think you will mess this up Danny. If she likes you back then all you need to do is ask. I am sure Kris and the other boys will support you," she tells me. At least my mom has more confidence than I do about me getting a girlfriend. It's nice to know that if we do end up dating each other then my mom is going to support us no matter what.

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