Adoption JD X J3T

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Hey guys, just letting you know that is one shot is an AU and I am age bending three of the guys which is a bit similar to when I made the We are Family one shots. However, unlike those one shots Matt isn't going to be part of this one because that's just how the plan formed but there are plenty of one shots around with him in it.

The ages of the "children" at the start will be as follows:

Jordon: Seven years old

Dylan: Six years old

Danny: Seven months old

George: Dada

Jorel: Papa


Jorel p.o.v

This is the day that we have been waiting for, it's Danny's gotcha day. We have been waiting for this day for months now and it's finally here. We have been wanting another baby since Dylan turned five and we realised we won't be having a little toddler running around the house. We have been planning and going through the adoption process for a year now. Now all that waiting will pay off, we will be adopting out little boy today and we are going to be bringing him home and trying to start getting him settled before our older boys get home. It's best to try to and get our little baby settled while everything is quiet. We are adopting a seven-month-old baby boy called Daniel, but we are going to call him Danny since that's what his foster mom calls him.

We had little gifts prepared as a thank you and just out of politeness because they are the ones giving us this cute little boy that we can love and cherish forever. We're currently driving to the orphanage where we will be picking up Danny since we just dropped the boys off to school and I am excited, and I could tell my husband George is equally as excited as I am. "Can't wait for Danny to be in our arms soon," He tells me, and I smile at him. I can't wait to see how Dylan will react to being a big brother and how much Jordon will help now he is old enough to help with some of the daily tasks we will do with the baby. He was only one when Dylan was born through surrogacy just like he was and now they are six and seven.

"We can hold him soon enough, it might be a rough transition, but we will do just fine because we have the best helpers who will be so excited to meet him this afternoon when they get home from school," I tell him as we are making our way to our ten o'clock appointment. We have a little bag of baby clothes because our case worker has told us that we should change him as soon as we can and check for anything like lice and bed bugs, so we have to was his outfit when we get back home which isn't bad for us, Danny has to get used to us changing him as well. We are going to spend as much time as possible bonding with him and getting him used to us because we will be his parents for the rest of his life.

We make it to the orphanage with five minutes to spare so we made sure that we have everything ready for our first journey we will be doing to get our baby home. I held George's hand tightly in mine as we walked in feeling happy for what is about to happen. The lady looked so happy to see us walking in and then we signed in to make sure that they knew we had arrived. The receptionist says she was happy to see a gay couple walk in happy about the adoption that is about to take place. George has the little changing bag and we have our car seat, so we can change the buddy before we put him in the car seat, so we can take him home. I am so excited to meet mine and George's little baby. Then we got called in.

We had a chat and filled out some paperwork just to confirm that the little boy waiting for us in another room will be ours and our responsibility until he is 18 and thereafter. Then she said she was going to bring us our little baby, she did warn us that he was going to be fussy because he has always been fussy for the four months he has been living with them. Danny is hopefully going to settle with us over the next few weeks. "Hey Danny, these are your daddies," the case worker says and the little seven-month-old was in her arms with his little fist in his mouth and tears in his little brown eyes. She passed Danny over to me and I thought he was going to cry straight away. "Hey baby bear, we are going to love you so much," I tell him, and George rubs Danny's little cheek.

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